In a circular sent to all staff and students, the administration of Tel Aviv University wrote that “Tel Aviv University embraces and supports all security forces acting to restore the quiet and security to Israel, including its students and workers who were called for reserve duty”. The official letter continues: “The university denounces and condemns all offensive and extreme remarks propagated these days on social networks which have no place in the public discourse. The university will operate in accordance with disciplinary regulations applicable to students and faculty in all cases of infringement.”
In response to a question by the Israeli economic news outlet TheMarker, the university administration stated that the purpose of the letter is to “prevent expressions of extreme hatred by the radical left and radical right”. It is the university, apparently, which will both police private statements by students and teachers, and rule on their ’extremity’.
In countering the Palestinian demand for a boycott of Israeli academic institutions, administrations often righteously explain the importance of freedom of expression and dialogue, values they inherently promote, suggest that many of their staff members are working for peace and that the campuses themselves are living examples of coexistence between Israelis and Arabs.
Tel Aviv University may well present this “patriotic act” in its fundraising efforts from abroad. Indeed, the university has promised tuition assistance to students currently in Gaza, help that will come from the various ’friends of Tel Aviv University’ chapters throughout the world. The university further gathered “equipment, food and supplies” for soldiers.
Tel Aviv University is not alone on the academic frontline against Gaza. President of the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya wrote to the ’IDC family’ that “These are difficult days. Our students and alumni are fighting in the Gaza Strip. This campaign is a justified war of defense. This is the time to support our fighters, to assist in any way possible from the home front”.
President Uriel Reichman continues, noting that “Already two weeks ago, the Student Union began operating an Operations Room for online public diplomacy. The spirit of volunteerism and the fact that 1,500 students from abroad, from more than 80 countries, study at IDC have enabled the operation of the most important public diplomacy center in Israel. The struggle for international awareness and Israel’s legitimization is managed on campus by 560 volunteers working in shifts around the clock.”
IDC is not alone in its hasbara efforts. The College of Management also established a public diplomacy “war room”. A student-initiated project, TheMarker reports that “the room is in contact with the Foreign Office to produce uniform information”.
Hebrew University’s administration and student union collected “food and equipment” for soldiers, and some 200 boxes of goods were sent to the Gaza border last week. Bar Ilan university held a prayer meeting last week. Haifa University, a large percentage of whose students are Palestinian citizens of Israel, began illuminating its central tower at night in the form of the Israeli flag. In this spirit, students at the Physiotherapy Academic College will travel to the naval base in the southern city of Ashkelon navy base and offer massages to soldiers.
Connie Hackbarth