Bangladesh Krishok Federation received 1,150 Euros equivalent to Tk. 115,000 from ESSF for the cold affected members of Bangladesh Krishok Federation(BKF) and Bangladesh Kishani Sabha (BKS) living in the northern part of Bangladesh at the end of 2014 and at the beginning of 2015—Mid December-January-Mid February—the winter season of Bangladesh.
In that winter season there was an unusual cold wave which claimed some elderly people‘s and children’s lives in the northern part of the country where BKF and BKS have its strong organizational basis. Moreover, they suffered from different cold borne diseases, like cold, fever, influenza, etc. The temperature reached at 4 degree Celsius which people normally are not used to face. The people are familiar with the lower temperature between 15 and 20 degree Celsius. They were accustomed to using those types of light warm cloths which could protect them from the usual cold. They were not prepared for the sudden lower temperature.
In view of the humanitarian ground Bangladesh Krishok Federation and it associate BKS decided to stand by the affected members with warm cloths. We considered providing with a blanket to each affected person. Given the limited resource capability Bangladesh Krishok Federation made appeal to ESSF for a grant. ESSF gave its generous support and cooperation to BKF and BKS timely that allowed helping 115 worst affected people with one blanket each. They saved their lives from cold spell.
Blanket distribution in the northern part of Bangladesh.
In the mural on the back side it reads: Warm cloths (blanket) are being distributed among poor members by Bangladesh Krishok Federation and Bangladesh Kishani Sabha.
Actually the people encountered an intensified cold due to global climate change. Bangladesh is treated to be one of the front line victims of the impact of the global climate change. There is a lot of evident of the serious impact of the climate change. The reality of excess and unusual cold is one of the evident. The sustained campaign of BKF and BKS on climate change made the people understand the adverse effect of the climate change. The contribution and the fund-raising efforts of ESSF made extra values to the affected that they are not alone---they can be helped during their difficult time.
Additional note:
On the 29th November 2014 Bangladesh Krishok Federation President distributing warm cloths among the landless people living in the remote island called Sikderer Char in Dakkhin Aicha, Bhola district. Bhola Island is one of the climate change affected areas which is situated in the southern coastal belt of Bangladesh.
We received 800 Euros equivalent to TK. 62,000 from ESSF early of this current year 2016 for the treatment of Khurshida Akter, the former president of Bangladesh Kishani Sabha which is the associate organization of Bangladesh Krishok Federation. Early this year’16 she got sick owing to severe brain stroke and she was hospitalized for long time. Apart from all difficulties she was in coma for more than one month. After a long time treatment she came round. She got treatment in two hospitals---initially in a local level hospital and then later in Dhaka Medical College hospital in the capital city of Bangladesh for better treatment.
With the support of ESSF we paid off the doctors’ fee, treatment cost (different pathological diagnostics), medicine cost, therapy cost, etc. We also provided with wheelchair for her mobility.
She recovered but still cannot move properly. According to doctors she needs long time to be fully OK. She needs regular exercise and medicine that she is doing in order to control her different syndromes which she is still facing.
On 30 May 2016 a demonstration was staged in the city of Barisal which is one of the southern climate change affected districts. Around 600 landless and peasants availing from the countryside attended the demonstration. They demanded the eviction of illegal occupants from the land of landless people. They also demanded the proper distribution and settlement of the Khasland (fallow land) among the bona fide landless people who occupied the land long ago for their shelters and livelihoods. The name of the occupied land is Rasulpur Char which is very near to the city of Barisal district. Which is why, the land is very expensive and the local influentials some years ago removed part of the landless people and built their establishments for commercial purposes. Thus the landless people reclaimed their land. They asked the government to follow the Khas Agricultural Land Management and Settlement Manual which serves the interest of landless people. Amidst these entire phenomena still there are committed landless families who are living in the island fighting the enemies’ all sorts of misdeeds. Sometimes, the local influential unleash the miscreants to evacuate the land pushing the rest of the landless people staying in the island. There have been several village and union level gatherings of Bangladesh Krishok Federation and Bangladesh Kishani Sabha to inspire and encourage the landless men and women before the demonstration took place.
There are also other forces like Coast Guard, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute which are also trying to establish their encroachment on the same.
They program impacted a lot on the community, and the landless people were encouraged to take over another island named Sujanpur which is also very near to the city. They will make proper planning and will take initiative to occupy that island. At least 5 hundred families will benefit if they can take position in the island. Furthermore, the demonstration consolidated the commitment of the landless people. It has fostered the confidence level in terms of organizing themselves even in the difficult situation. The local administration has been aware of the fact that it would not be possible for them to work for the local influential who has the direct and indirect affiliation with the ruling class although local administration always play the role as an vested quarter. They also look into the space that serves their vested interest.
The demonstration was made possible with the financial support of ESSF. It amounts at 3000 Euros equivalent to Tk.265,000. With this amount we covered the food and travel cost of the participants, cost of banners, festoons, placards, sound system, publicity, etc.
Bangladesh Krishok Federation and Bangladesh Kishani Sabha (BKF-BKS)
See also from BKF-BKS website:
On 16 March 2015 Bangladesh Krishok Federation and Bangladesh Kishani Sabha, Barisal District Unit organized the 2nd District Conference in Barisal Aushwini Kumar Town Hall. Bangladesh Krishok Federation Central President Badrul Alam was present as chief guest while the leaders from different districts of both organization joined the conference as guests.
Around 600 delegates, both male and female attended the conference hailing from different sub-districts of Barisal. Barisal District Unit President of Bangladesh Krishok Federation Harun Bhandari submitted the report of activities for the last more than 5 years while Mitu Begum of Bangladesh Kishani Sabha, Barisal district presided over the conference. In the report it is mentioned that the organizations have been well-rooted in the different areas of the district.
The report stressed much the strong need of support and co-ordination to build movement around Khaslnad for the benefit of landless people in the district. The chief guest Badrul Alam expressed optimism on the continued struggle of the landless people to establish their right to land which of the source of livelihood of people in the locality. He seriously criticized the role of land grabbers and influentials who are systematically evicting the landless people from the Rasulpur Khaschar in association with few corrupt bureaucrats. The conference formed new committees of Bangladesh Krishok Federation and Bangladesh Kishani Sabha for Barisal District which took oath to continue the struggle in days to come for the emancipation of peasantry including building of the the Khasland movement.