April 6, a mass meeting of the peasants at Kulyana Military Estate Okara was organised by Anjman Mozareen Punjab, at Okara to commemorate the fifth death anniversary of three peasants killed by goons of Military Farms administration.
Over a thousands of the participants were women and two speeches by women comrades including Badar Nisa, chairperson AMP women, and Nazli Javed, labour secretary Awami Workers Party Punjab, were appreciated very much at the meeting. Both spoke of the importance of bringing women in the forefront in all matters not only participation in public rallies. They spoke of the courage of the peasant women during the 14 years long struggle for land rights and against land occupation.
Malik Saleem Jakar [said] I have full support of the women and now my sisters and mothers will deal all those who are not sincere with the movement. He appealed the women not to feed these men who are not active in the movement. “No Rootie Chapati and Paani for them at home of they play a hypocritical role and keep relationship with the agents of the Military officers” he appealed to peasant women.
I spoke about the need for a massive land reforms and an end of feudalism capitalism. I demanded military out of agribusiness. “If you want to do the peasant jobs and agribusiness, then give us your planes and we will fly them” “Do what you are employed for and no more” I said.
I also demanded withdraw of fabricated murder charges against Nadim Asharaf, vice president of AMP and others members of his family including his father and brothers.
Mehr Abdul Sattar, general secretary AMP, announced the next steps of the movement. There will be a press conference in Lahore to demand the withdrawal of the several fabricated cases against leaders of the AMP and for the arrest of the murderer of Ashiq Masih who was killed last year. “We will announce the date of the mass meeting of the peasants in Lahore at the press conference”. He said.
Over 5000 were present at the mass meeting and a great mood of fight back by those present. The main demand is land rights as promised by Mian Nawaz Sharif and Benazhir Bhutto while they were in opposition, an end of land mafia in shape of military farms, no to land occupation, an end to state repression,
Report by: Farooq Tariq