On September 11 2001 a series of daredevil coordinated terrorist attacks on symbols and institutions of U.S. economic and military power traumatised the United States. Such trauma would have been total had one of the hijacked aircraft hit the White House or the House of Congress instead of crashing in the fields of rural Pennsylvania. The attacks shattered the myth of U.S. invulnerability nurtured and cultivated over a long period on a confused mixture of geographical and technological advantages it supposedly enjoyed. Suddenly it seemed the mightiest superpower in history was merely a paper tiger!
The fact that four commercial airliners were hijacked simultaneously and for several hours the hijackers were not intercepted and they hit most of their targets gave birth to a plethora of conspiracy theories whose bottom line was that the US government itself was behind them. The authors of such theories were both Americans and foreigners. The main motive allegedly behind the terrorist attacks was to create a justification for the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and to secure US control of oil in the Middle East. Other motives mentioned were to embark upon a worldwide military campaign to consolidate the new world order, hinging on US hegemony, initiated by senior statesman and former president, George H.W. Bush.
In any event, the US immediately blamed Al Qaeda for the outrages because that organisation had been involved in a number of attacks on U.S. targets previously, including one on the World Trade Center in 1993 and on US embassies in two East African capitals in 1998. Moreover, the Americans claimed that a plot to attack targets in the U.S. had existed in a prolonged planning stage within the innermost circles of Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda initially denied any involvement but when inculpating evidence began to be unearthed and some of its senior operatives were arrested and confessed their involvement, Osama bin Laden claimed responsibility for the attacks in a video clip. Meanwhile Saudi Arabia admitted that of the 19 hijackers 15 were Saudi citizens. The Americans also provided detailed information on some of the terrorists who had been receiving training at flying clubs and schools.
Yet the conspiracy theories have remained very much in circulation. Their greatest attraction outside the US has been the Arab Middle East but also the wider so-called Muslim world. The reason is that in the popular mind ideas of a US-Israeli plot to subjugate and humiliate Arab and Muslims still exist. The main reason was US support for Israel which was considered massively one-sided. Alongside such grievances two cataclysmal events in the late 1970s served as catalysts to Arab-Muslim radicalisation: the first was the coming into power in Iran of a rabidly anti-modern and anti-western theocracy that coined the rhetoric of U.S. being the Great Satan; the second upheaval was the US-Saudi sponsored jihad against the Communist regime in Kabul (since April 1978) and the Red Army which had marched in to help it take control of that country. Instead of endearing the US to the Muslims it boomeranged because those who had been indoctrinated to liberate occupied ‘Islamic lands’ from infidels now turned their guns against the US for being Israel’s closest ally as well as for maintaining military bases in Saudi Arabia, the cradle of Islam. Consequently, Muslims in general saw the 9/11 terrorist attacks as something the US deserved for its misdeeds against Islam and Muslims.
However, when on October 07 2001 the US launched airstrikes on Afghanistan because the Taliban regime was not willing to surrender al Qaeda leaders, conspiracy theories took off forthwith. It now began to be argued that President Bush and his mentors such as Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld had in connivance with the Pentagon hatched a plot to invade and occupy Afghanistan. Television talk shows and newspapers began to churn out comments and observations of so-called experts who detected incriminating clues in the body language of Bush and his coterie of plotters.
Other theories that were projected included an ingenious Israeli plot to make the 9/11 attacks appear as a vile act of Muslims and thus turn the American public against Islam and Muslims. According to that theory, hundreds of Jews worked in the World Trade Center, the citadel of finance capitalism, but no Jew/Israeli was killed when the twin towers collapsed even and thousands of people trapped inside were killed. The reason was that the Jews had been warned not to go to work on 9/11. Some theories suggested that Israelis had been observed to be closely inspecting the World Trade Center buildings shortly before the attacks took place. Such behaviour was proof that Israel had carried out the attacks with their notoriously typical thoroughness and efficiency. Proceeding on such assumptions, it was theorised that even if all the terrorists were Arab Muslims and most of them were Saudi citizens they were either in the pay of the CIA and Mossad or had been hypnotised and drugged to carry out the attacks.
Nothing contributed more to strengthening these conspiracy theories than the decision of the Bush administration to invade Iraq in March 2003. That invasion did not enjoyed popular legitimacy in the West and many people doubt if it was legal in any reasonable sense. Former UN Secretary-General described it as unlawful. From the Muslim point of view it was the resurgence of a historical crusade.
It is not the purpose of this essay to prove such theories wrong though some comments are in order. Firstly, nothing can be more disturbing for a superpower than to be exposed as weak and vulnerable. Why would the US power elite want to do that? If the answer is: to occupy Afghanistan and Iraq then one must assume that such a conspiracy was hatched by morons and not by some evil power elite. Because even after slaughtering approximately 3000 of its citizens and injuring many more the intervention in Afghanistan has been nearly a disaster. And that in Iraq has done more harm to U.S. influence and popularity than any other act of a U.S. government because it received stiff opposition both within the West as well as among Muslims and even other nations.
With regard to the Israeli involvement, the reasons for discarding such a theory are equally compelling. No such plot to slaughter thousands of innocent people can be foolproof. Any leak or exposure is possible and imagine the Israelis being found party to the murder of innocent citizens of a state without which it cannot maintain its existence. There is no evidence to suggest that Bush or the Pentagon were thinking of switching their loyalties from Israel to the Arabs, so how can a plot meant to blame the Muslims help Israel gain greater support than what it enjoys already?
I shall now try to demonstrate that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were masterminded and ordered by al Qaeda and carried out by its global network of operatives. Terrorism as a tool to challenge a state or some social and political order has deep historical roots in the politics of the world but from the late 19th century onwards it become attractive as an ideology to both extreme right and left wing political forces. Right-wing terrorism often times originated from within the establishment and was directed against revolutionaries, democrats and freedom fighters. Left-wing terrorism held an attraction to those convinced that if the state and its supportive institutions such as the church were attacked the social and political orders would collapse and people would be liberated from the yoke of organised authority.
In the late 19th century left-wing Russian anarchists used terrorism as a strategic weapon against the Czarist Empire; even as recently as the late 1970s such ideas attracted some marginal revolutionary groups such as the German Baader-Meinhof and the Italian Red Brigades. Left-wing anarchism is premised on the assumption that if the state is exposed as a paper tiger it will set in motion chain reactions that result in a spontaneous mass uprising, which in turn will mean that the state disintegrates and people are liberated from all forms of oppression. It is important to keep in mind that mainstream anarchist movements are not in favour of force and terror even though the state and other institutions of authority are considered oppressive and negative entities.
Some analysts, however, look upon al Qaeda as an Islamist vanguard party comparable to the Communist Party founded by Lenin. The idea of a vanguard party that Lenin advanced was that a group of dedicated revolutionaries can capture state power, and from that vantage point provide leadership to the working class to take part in a great societal experiment to transform a capitalist or feudal society into a socialist one.
Al Qaeda bears the hallmarks of a secretive, terrorist anarchist party and movement that may consider itself a vanguard of an Islamist revolution that will sweep all over the Muslim world as well as the wider world beyond it. Notwithstanding its roots among a band of dedicated cadres and leaders removed from state power and therefore representing what is being described currently as a non-state actor it represents a right-wing Islamo-anarchist movement that intends to liberate Muslims from the real or perceived domination by the Christian West and its Jewish and Hindu sidekicks, and placing them under the yoke of totalitarian Islam. It is therefore a peculiar type of anarchist terrorism.
The 9/11 terrorist attacks were meant to demonstrate that the US was not invincible. To a large extent such attacks have carried negative ramifications for the world capitalist economy, and since then the power and might of the US is perceived to be waning. However, as in the past and now again, terrorism has not sufficed to bring down a state or a social and political order. There has been greater radicalisation of Muslim societies and recruitment to terrorism is taking place not only among the poor and dispossessed but also from among the privileged and educated sections of society. Such trends, however, are still marginal to Muslim society. Moreover, the governments in the Muslim world are not willing to join the al Qaeda international jihad because it will bring them down as well. Additionally, it will result in a military response from the US and its allies. Consequently, the 9/11 terrorist attacks have succeeded only partially if at all.
Muslims in the West have become an object of suspicion, this is especially accentuated when some individuals carry out terrorist outrages in the West or some plots are uncovered of planned attacks. Right-wing anti-immigration and racist parties and movements in the West are the beneficiaries of such radicalisation of Muslims. There are fears that civil liberties and democracy in general will be curtailed in the West and in some cases such legislation is already in place.
Did Al Qaeda anticipate all this? I seriously doubt that. As in the past and now, terrorism alone cannot change or transform society or bring down a state, unless both are beset with irreversible decay and disintegration. There is no evidence to suggest that the West in general or the U.S. in particular is anywhere even remotely in a state of dissolution. All that al Qaeda has achieved is a movement towards the right in global politics as well as in regional and national politics. Al-Qaeda and their anarchist policies continue to diminish the political capital of Muslims residing within the West while flailing against the established governance within Muslim-majority nations.
Ishtiaq Ahmed