A voir sur ESSF :
Copaco, Un autre Congo est possible !
Cordap, La Via Campesina : Cameroun : compte rendu des actions du 23 et du 26 Janvier 2008, aux marchés du Nfoundi et Mokolo
Forum social Maroc, Rapport préliminaire sur la rencontre de Bouznika
Forum social Maroc, Un Forum tourné vers le Maghreb, vers l’Afrique pour un monde meilleur
Sri Lanka
Frères des Hommes, Sri Lanka : le Forum social mondial 2008, meilleure résistance à la guerre civile
Bruno Colmant, Jérôme Ollier : Belgique : le président de la Bourse versus l’action de Jérôme O. lors de la journée d’action globale du 26 janvier 2008
Bilan de l’édition nantaise du FSM décentralisé 2008
La semaine de mobilisation du Forum social mondial 2008 en France
La journée mondiale du Forum social mondial : le programme de l’initiative unitaire à Paris
Voici un premier résumé d’actions entreprises dans le monde (hors France) — même s’il est surtout en anglais...
Rencontre maghrébine sur le thème : « L’altermondialisme : mythes et réalités ».
There will be a Stuttgart Open Fair 2008 linked to the WSF Global Action Day :
Mobilizations will take place in Frankfurt :
A seminar on climate change will take place in Wuppertal
In Buenos Aires, a debate about Sexuality and Public Space :
There will be a Carnival of Solidarity in Vienna and a conference on the reform treaty in Linz.
The Belgian Social Forum is organizing a guided tour of « a different Brussels », inviting people to visit the city while meeting its movements and associations. A whole week of mobilization is planned and includes interactive activities like videoconferences :
In Belem, a large carnival parade will take the streets. In Rio de Janeiro, an alternative fair and free concert on the beach will gather famous performers with artists from the favelas http://www.wsf2008.net/pt-br/node/2344
In Sao Paulo, a cultural and politic event is being planed
In Curitiba, the beginning of Mercosul Social Forum :
http://www.wsf2008.net/pt-br /node/1198 and a Critical Mass bicycle celebration.
Other cities like Natal, Goiana, Belo Horizonte and Pelotas will also have activities.
Fight Against Swindlers on Internet : http://www.wsf2008.net/fr/node/1605.
Organizations in Quebec are organizing a week symbolically linked by the image of snow and fire, under the idea of « La neige brule » http://www.wsf2008.net/fr/node/1139
In Santiago de Chile, a citzens demonstration
The WSF local committee is focusing the activities on the struggle against poverty and exclusion and a large concert will happen in Bogota http://www.wsf2008.net/es/node/1717
The journey will coincide with several local social forums, one of them in Kinshasa. Three other provinces have also expressed that they will carry through some activities.
En San Jose, actividades académicas y culturales sobre el tema del Agua, su conservación e importancia para la vida
http://www.wsf2008.net/es /node/1570
A public demonstration and a press conference will launch the call to the IV Asamblea General de los Pueblos del Caribe (IV APC) in Havana
In San Salvador, el sábado 19 de enero de 2008 celebraremos el día de acción sobre el foro social mundial, el cual servirá también de promoción del día 26 de enero del 2008, el 19 lanzaremos la iniciativa a cada organización para desarrollar eventos en sus comunidades.
Madrid : perfomamce and debates for a just peace in de middle East and defense of human rights and the international law. Defense also of public services and enviorement.
Andalucia : encuentro de movimientos sociales :
Canarias : se ha hecho un llamamiento a la participación en el Enero 26, y avanza la preparación de actividades en las islas en el marco del Día de Acción Global. moclaspalmas gmail.com.
Galice : Social Movements Assembly at the History and Geography University, in Santiago de Compostela.
Catalogne : Civil society organizations will organize the first Fòrum Social Català (FSCat) on 25-27 Jan. On the 26th, in the Hall of Barcelona University will host a big screen video projection with direct links to movements all over the world
A major action in Atlanta, the Poor People’s Caravan and Movement Assembly, will bring together thousands of voices demanding change.
Grassroots Global Justice Alliance has called on all the member groups to do actions across the country.
In San Francisco, an exhibition of the Emergency Biennale of Chechnya is one of two public projects the Global Commons Foundation is producing for the WSF in San Francisco. The exhibition will open on January 25th at the California College of the Arts, Playspace gallery.
There will be actions at the border of Mexico and the US against the fence the US has plans to build along the border. Those active against the fence have named it the « wall of death ».
In New Orleans, actions will demand the Right to Return, and solidarity actions will take place in different states for Gulf Coast/Katrina Survivors and local housing struggles.
And the AFSC, Jobs with Justice, AFL-CIO are planning various actions with their members.
In Vermont, a major gathering for workers, students, educators and health care providers to build a movement for workers’ rights, livable wages, economic justice, quality healthcare for all and global solidarity.
In Indiana, citizens in the South Bend/Michiana region will begin discussions of hether/why/and how to organize a Social Forum in our region.
All activities of the WSF action days in Finland are taking place under the WSF banner of « Another World is Possible », more specified by the themes of « Neoliberalism » and « Civic Action ».
On January 26 at 12:00 the Greek Social Forum organizes a rally at Syntagma square (center of Athens) against neoliberal globalization.
Nous organiserons une conférence de presse le vendredi 18 janvier 2008 et des interventions radio-télévisées tout au cours de la semaine
Women’s groups are planning a conference and a march.
In Maharashtra there will be a protest by indebted farmers and their supporters.
In Mumbai a float parade is planned. Delegates also reported that they would try and organize a response to the global call in west Bengal and UP.
Farmer groups are responding to the call from Via Campesina, an international movement of peasants, small- and medium-sized producers, landless, rural women, indigenous people, rural youth and agricultural workers.
The Hiwar (means « dialogue » in Kurdish) Centre in Erbil is coordinating activities that will take place in Erbil, Dohuk, Suleymania and other towns of the Iraqi Kurdistan. In Erbil there will be a panel between laical politicians and activists, islamists, trade unions, NGOs and the local civil society on the meaning of the WSF as an open political space. The Hiwar Centre will also produce material in Arabic on the WSF that will be posted on websites of Iraqi networks for Human Rights and Nonviolence. The Iraqi Nonviolent Movement LAONF expressed interest in organizing decentralized actions in some central and southern towns of Iraq.
Celebration in a school in Iraq :
Celebration to support the nonviolent campaign and to have some changes in our life cause Iraqi children have more suffer after the occupations. Iraqi Women League, in Najaf.
Ball replacement Gun toy project :
In Samawa city, each kid that has gun toys I will replace that with a ball.
That’s my project from my pocket money to help Iraqi children to forget a violence and start a new live in new Iraq
VEEN organization (children rights org) in Mosol (Bashiqa district) on
Jan 26th - Seminar about children rights
In BAGHDAD, a Baghdad Group of Intellectuals will distribute and write about the WSF dossier in some news papers
The Alternative Information Centre is interested in organizing an event against the occupation of Palestinian territories, or at least spreading information in Israel on what is going on in Palestine on that day.
Several events will take place in Rome, Florence and other regions around issues of peace, disarmament, racism, xenophobia and solidarity economy
Venerdi 25 gennaio, alle ore 21.00, presso il Consorzio Zenzero (Via Torti 35r Genova) ARCI Genova organizza la presentazione genovese della campagna « Un futuro senza atomiche ».
To protest the coming G 8 meeting to be held in Hokaido, a campaign starts in the end of December and will continue through January 26th.
Trade unions, non-governmental organizations and a wide variety of social movements will come together to focus on issues including labor rights, caste, migration, peace, and human rights.
On January 26 at 9:00am, there will be a global action in downtown area of Tokyo, Arakawa Ward. http://2008.jan26.jp/
(South)DU SUD :
There will be a week of action involving various social movements from the 21st to 25th. Each day there will be focused on one major theme. http://action126.net/
Beirut International Resistance Social Forum will take place from 26 JANUARY /02 FEBRUARY /2008.
Journée des Sans : Meeting sur le thè me : « Halte à la conspiration en Afrique » :
- les APE (Mouvement des Sanx Voix)
– les privatisations ( temoignages grévistes de la mine d’or de Morila)
– l’immigration (Mouvement des sans Voix et Association des Maliens Expulsés)
Confrence de presse
Projection de film : DVD NOVOX et sur Thomas Sankara et Patrice Lumumba suivu de debat
Marche à Bamako (à confirmer)
Programme : http://www.wsf2008.net/fr/node/3673
Participation des membres du Manifeste Euro-africain aux journées de mobilisation qui se dérouleront à Bouznika au Maroc le 25,26 et 27 Janvier 2008.
The Maghreb Social Forum will take place in Mauritania and the African Council is organizing support for widespread initiatives connected to the Global Day of Action.
Debat La citoyenneté : Droits et Devoirs. Nouadhibou.
Panel discussions, lectures, forums and workshops ; pronouncements and denunciations of the major social movements, farmers, workers, students etc. ; concerts, theatre, dance, music, etc.
26 th : March - Another World is Possible.
Pakistan Social Forum is planning for the year 2007-08 : events, messages and mobilization (WSF « Action Week » on 19-26th January 2008).
Another Voice Campaign will organize actions to ask for international solidarity for Gaza, and are planning an event in Ramallah to denounce all deaths of Palestinians in Gaza as a result of the siege.
The Palestinian grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign and The National Committee for the Commemoration of the Nakba endorse the Global Call for action promoted by the World Social Forum and call upon all people of conscience to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian, Iraqi, Iranian, Lebanese, Syrian and Afghani people who daily face occupation and military threats.
The Stop the War Coalition - Philippines, will hold a protest action at the US embassy in Manila and will also participate in other events and actions planned by various groups in the Philippines as part of the Global Week of Action and Mobilization. This will include events at a People’s Camp to be held on January 24-25 and a mobilization on January 26.
Setúbal - Concentração na Praça do Bocage - 14 horas, Bancas, Exposições, Animação Cultural : http://www.wsf2008.net/pt/node/2449
Preparatory meetings are taking place at the P. Carlos Alberto nº 128 A, no Porto.
The ’Romanian Ecological Action’ Foundation (Fundatia ’Actiunea Ecologica Romana’ - Fundatia AER) and the ’Association for the Development of the Romanian Social Forum’ (’Asociatia pentru Dezvoltarea Forumului Social Roman’ - AD FSR) organize the European Symposium ’Another World is Possible’ on 26th of January 2008 in the city of Rimnicu-Vilcea.
London : Direct action picket to stop new coal-fired power station.
A national convergence of peoples’ organisations, struggles and campaigns will take place in Colombo on Saturday 26 January from 9am – 5pm at Vihara Mahadevi Park (venue to be confirmed) as part of the Global Day of Mobilisation and Action.
Fair Trade-products, short films about solidarity, enviroment and WSF non stop, music, study circles preparing ESF in Malmoe.
We will create a small social forum in the center of Stockholm, Sweden the 26:th January. There will be seminars, workshops and debates with politicians, activists, former Guantanamo prisoner etc etc. In the night there will be a party. « If there is no dance, it´s not my revolution... ».
« The Other Davos » a counter- World Economic Forum conference. 8e édition de la conférence alternative au WEF dans le cadre du Global Action Day du Forum social mondial.
Samedi, 26 janvier 2008, Volkshaus, Stauffacherstrasse 60, Zurich
The Genevoise Federation of Cooperation will organize from Jan 24 to 26 the second Solidarity Crusade to the Meyrin Forum.
http://www.wsf2008.net/fr /node/1815
Mobilizations are planned to take place in the cities of Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir.