The Anak-Mindanao Party-List (AMIN), a Mindanaoan party formation occupying seat at the House of Representatives and the Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA), a national coalition of human rights organizations in the Philippines jointly condemn in the strongest possible term the latest bombing in General Santos City on December 12, 2004. Only an individual or group of psychopaths can execute the dastardly act. The wanton killing of innocent civilians and the destruction of properties and livelihood are never justified by any reason in any courts or in whatever forum. Whether it is perpetrated by feuding groups of market vendors or carried out by the Abu Sayaff, the act curtails the very basic right of life. What is equally frightful is for some wicked groups to manipulate the situation to spawn further discrimination and animosity between the Muslims and the Christians in Mindanao. Such possible event furthers the commission of violation to human rights. It contravenes the principle that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and that everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms without distinction and discrimination...”, contained in the 1987 Philippine Constitution, the International Bill of Rights and all international human rights instruments.
Amid this condition, we sympathize with all the victims of this bombing incidence that exacted 13 valuable lives and wounding 53 others. Their experience is a living testimony of the barbaric tendencies of some individuals or groups in an attempt to pursue a morally condemnable cause and a scientifically baseless ambition for local economic superiority. May there lives be our constant guide and proof in working further for peace and dialogue in Mindanao. May their experience remind us that violation only begets further violations; that “an eye for an eyes makes the whole world blind”.
The world has already achieved a certain level of humanity. Let not incidence of this kind pull us back to a situation of fear and of lawlessness.
We demand an impartial and a speedy investigation and resolution of the case. Let this not be another case of impunity or an occurrence to cultivate discrimination among peoples in Mindanao.
We call on the both the national and the local government to build a culture of peace; to instill the process of dialogue in resolving conflict; to implement the rule of law in curbing criminality and heinous acts.
We call on all the legislators to enact a law penalizing the act of discrimination as an added instrument in building a culture of human rights.
We call on all people and groups including the alleged perpetrators of this crime to make all human rights principles the basis of your actions. Let us all be reminded that the world has long time debunked any doctrine of discrimination or superiority as scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous.
Anak Mindanao Party-list (AMIN)
Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA)