The Officers and Members of Anak Mindanao (AMIN) of the Fourth Congress express their profoundest sympathy and heartfelt condolence to the families and love ones of the late Honorable WAHAB AKBAR.
We condemn in the strongest possible term his assassination and the deaths of three other persons and the wounding of other persons.
Such dastardly act done inside the compound of the House of Representatives of the Congress could only be possible with the connivance of those inside the place be this in the form of lax security or those who informed their triggered persons of the specific activities of their target.
We call on those persons who had knowledge or witnessed the commission of this traitorous act, to come out and help in order to fast track the investigation of the authorities and give justice to Congressman Wahab Akbar and the other victims. Surely those who were behind this condemnable act are those who will politically benefit most.
Our inaction now, will lead to the deaths of others tomorrow. Let us not allow the tribe of the murderers to increase be it inside the Congress or outside.
Officers and Members
of Anak Mindanao (AMIN)
Fourth Congress
November 15, 2007