A. Imperialism, militarization and armed conflicts in the region and peace movements
i. Peace Initiatives; India- Pakistan, Burma-Thailand, Palestine-Israel, Iraq, Iran-West + US, Afghanistan
ii. Imperialism, Wars, Resistance movement, Militancy, Weapons.
iii. State entrenched violence and other militaristic tendency.
iv. Militarization of state and society.
v. Armed insurgencies.
vi. Nuclear disarmament, demilitarization.
vii. Humanism and peace.
viii. Colonization of civil society by armed forces/military
ix. Affectees of wars and nuclear tests.
x. Terrorism and sectarian violence.
xi. Local disputes as conflicts.
xii. Insurgencies
xiii. Smalls arms and lights weapons proliferation.
xiv. Militancy and violence: Women and children/Children in Armed conflicts.
xv. Social policing by religious parties/groups
xvi. Rise and promotion of ethnic and sectarian groups by states
xvii. Impact of 9/11 on global societies, regional and local forces
B. Natural resources Rights, peoples’ control & privatization, and Trans- boundary disputes
i. Natural resources: Water, Gas, minerals, fishing, grazing, forests, Petroleum, other natural resources.
ii. Privatization, closure of industries, retrenchment of labor and curtailment of labor rights.
iii. Water distribution and conflicts.
iv. Land rights.
v. Control over resources (natural, revenue/fiscal, human resources, )
C. Trade Development and globalization
i. Trade-WTO - SAFTA; Asia-pacific Issues, Trade Free and Trade Union Free Zones.
ii. IMF and WB and other IFI’s control of economies.
iii. GM technology and non-organic food production and distribution.
iv. Post modern age analysis of globalization.
v. Regional common trade.
vi. Impact of neo-liberal and globalization policies
vii. Growing poverty and inequalities (among regions, provinces and classes), rural poverty and rise of extreme poverty
D. Social Justice Human Rights and Governance
i. Democracy; de-Institutionalisation of Political systems, Support of Military govt/regimes.
ii. Poverty, Children, Women, Minorities and Human rights issues.
iii. Fundamental rights of expression, speech.
iv. Political victimization.
v. Rights of divided families especially India and Pakistan.
vi. Socialism as an alternative to capitalism.
vii. People’s friendly health policies and inventions.
viii. Issues of social justice and governance.
ix. Child and women trafficking and sexual exploitation.
x. Prisoners across borders.
xi. Labor rights - right to work in trade free zones.
xii. Minorities rights.
xiii. Free labor movements.
xiv. Corruption of state institutions.
xv. Economical rights
xvi. National rights
xvii. Historical rights
xviii. Forms of Bonded labor
xix. Education, health care
xx. Devolution and decentralization
E. State and religion, pluralism and fundamentalism
i. Distortion and indoctrinization of history.
ii. Religious intolerance and oppression against minority community.
iii. State, religion, fundamentalism, tolerance and minorities.
iv. Religious fundamentalism and its promotion.
F. Nation, nationalities and ethnic and cultural identifies
i. State entrenched violence and other militaristic tendency.
ii. Nation, Nationalities, State and Identities.
iii. Culture as expression and political statement.
iv. Media as an instrument of corporate forces.
G. Development strategies, poverty unemployment and displacement
i. Women in conflict zone.
ii. Displaced people; internally conflicts and mega projects.
iii. Socialism as an alternative to capitalism.
iv. Development strategies, mega projects and displacement.
v. Poverty reduction strategies and approaches.
vi. Development Assistance and Conditionalisation
vii. Land rights.
H. Peoples’ movements and alternative strategies
i. People movements, livelihood, rights based and self-determination.
ii. Fisher folk, challenges and problems.
iii. Indigenous people and rights.
I. Women, patriarchy and social change
i. Women in conflict zone, prisons and immigration.
ii. Honor killings and women as victim of militarism.
iii. Militancy and violence: women and children.
J. Environment, ecology and livelihoods
iv. Role of IFIs and degradation of environment
v. Pollution of water bodies and land
vi. Dams and barrages
Problems of mega cities (Infrastructure, environment, transport, housing, violence, uncontrolled influx of population.
Transversal themes
– Imperialist globalisation
– Patriarchy
– Casteism, Racism and Social Exclusions
– Religious sectarianism, Identity Politics, Fundamentalism
– Militarism and Peace