Social Forum Initiative
c/o Peace and Future Workshop Inc.
Frankfurt Trade Union House
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Str. 69-77
Tel. 069-242499.50- Fax: 069-242499.51
E-Mail: frieden-und-zukunft
There is the need for exchange, communication and community and agreements on action!
Let us come together for the 2nd Social Forum in Germany in Cottbus from the 18th to the 21st October, 2007
Since we met for the first time for a Social Forum in Germany (Erfurt, July 2005), on the one hand, the political, social, ecological, and global problems have continued to grow: wars were started anew and continued, poverty, social divisions and political repression have again drastically increased, in our region, in Germany as a whole, in the European Union, in Europe and in the world. The destruction of natural life bases is stepping ahead!
On the other hand, those who protest against these facts and tendencies and look for alternatives to the ruling, neoliberal policy, have gained new experiences in their political daily life and their struggles: In part, privatisations of public property could be prevented, citizens’ petitions and decisions have been successful, strikes and demonstrations took place, the original draft of a service directive was revised for the better in the EU interior market committee, additional WTO negotiations failed, numerous people got involved in many different ways in politics – in favour of peace, democracy, meaningful work, social security - hence solidarity, future-capable education, cultural wealth, a healthy environment.
For progress in common action for another Germany and another Europe in another world, the various social forums have been important – at the local, regional, state, European, and global level. The working basis has proven itself: The Charta of Porto Alegre that among other things invites members of parties to participate, but not parties.
We should, in other words, come together again, in order to continue the conversation about the here and now and about ways into a liveable future, in order to renew communication and cooperation relations and renew them, to enjoy happiness in cultured togetherness and agree on future cooperation.
Cottbus is very well suited for that: it lies at Germany’s periphery, but in the heart of Europe. We are looking forward to international guests, also and especially from Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
I /we support the Second Social Forum in Germany and call for participation
Name (Contact Person):
We welcome donations for the Second Social Forum:
Friedens- und Zukunftswerkstatt;
IBAN: DE47 5005 0201 0200 0812 92
“Let us create the better world together!“
2nd Social Forum in Germany in October in Cottbus
Under the slogan, “Let us create the better world together”, all those who want to set out towards a more just, a more peaceful and ecological society are invited to participate in the Second Social Forum in Germany from October 18-21 in Cottbus, to contribute with their own proposals and to participate in the preparatory process.
In close cooperation with different groups of civil society, attac and the peace movement, large DGB trade unions and regional trade union organisations, the Initiative Social Forum has created all organisational prerequisites for a successful forum. We are also in close contact with the city administration of Cottbus.
The central locations for our events – city hall, university, upper-school centre – will insure that the population of the city and the environs can take part in the numerous events. The geographic proximity to Poland and the Czech Republic creates the prerequisites for a large participation from these neighbouring countries.
“We need to get under way ourselves!”, it said in the invitation to the First Social Forum in Erfurt two years ago. We set out! Our way led us by way of the Monday demonstrations against Hartz IV by way of blockades and mass demonstrations against the G8 summit, the peace march against the Afghanistan mission in September directly to the Second Social Forum in Cottbus. And these are the points of emphasis around which we shall organise conferences to which the individual seminars are attributed:
– Labour world and human dignity
– Ecological and social responsibility
– For a policy of peace
– Another Europe is possible
– The Lausitz region in Europe
– The social question and right-wing extremism
– Global social rights: participation and re-appropriation
– Living differently for a liveable world
In a declaration of the Initiative for a Social Forum it says: “Mass unemployment, hunger, the man-made climate catastrophe – for none of these problems of human kind do the rulers have a solution to offer. Their growing dissatisfaction they answer with repression.
That things can’t continue that way, of that many people are persuaded today. This opens the chance to the social movements to make their answers heard. We do not only want to say what we don’t like. We also want to represent alternatives. And we want to convey them credibility by way of successful action.
Yet, also the future of this movement will be a special emphasis. The broad alliance for the preparation of the G8 protest week in Rostock and the Initiative Social Forum under the topic: “How to continue after Heiligendamm…?” invite us to a comprehensive strategic debate.
Another point of emphasis will be the manifold and pressing problems of the work world. Already at this point, the programme shows the chairmen of three DGB trade unions as speakers. With trade unionists from Poland and the Czech Republics, we shall discuss topics such as wage dumping and work relocation. The service trade union ver.di in a resolution by its federal executive has not only called upon its members to participate, but it is organising its conference with its East European partner trade unions on the eve of the Social Forum also in Cottbus in order to allow as many of its colleagues the participation at the forum as possible.
For further information:
Press contact: Hugo Braun: braun, Tel. 0211 674980