No to War in Ukraine
The Asia Europe Peoples Forum (AEPF) condemns the aggression and war by Russia in Ukraine. AEPF is opposed to all act of force and calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities and a return to dialogue. This Russian aggression is causing death and damage in immeasurable ways. We believe that war cannot be a solution and compromise and negotiation is the only way forward. Safeguarding human rights and human security should be at the center of the negotiated settlement between Russia and Ukraine.
It is evident that policies of competitive security and one sided military alliances have enhanced threat perceptions. This has led to a break down of dialogue leading to this terrible situation where ordinary people are facing the brunt of war.
We believe that inclusive and common security alone can lead to sustainable peace. For peace with justice an immediate ceasefire is essential. It would be positive to revitalise the Minsk Agreements, get the leadership of Ukraine and Russia back on the negotiation table, involve the the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) of which Russia is an affiliate to stand as guarantor of peace.
The real existential issues faced by people across the globe are climate change, inequities and lack of social justice and violation of rights. For this to be realized war and militarism should be collectively ended. We join peace movements and civil society across the world in appealing for a sustainable peace with justice.
Asia Europe People’s Forum (AEPF)