THE MASSACRES and other atrocities being committed against the people of
Lebanon and of Palestine, particularly against the civilian population,
constitutes a crime against humanity that merits the continued mobilization of
citizens and governments the world over to insure a lasting cease-fire and the
necessary sanctioning of those responsible.
We hold the United States Government and the Government of Israel
responsible for the present carnage which adds to the decades of oppression
suffered by these two peoples on account of the Israeli expansion, which today
has assumed criminal proportions.
The failure of the international community, the United Nations Security Council
and the European Union to act quickly to stop the rolling massacres poses the
legitimate question of whether the lives of Palestinians and Lebanese, and
hundreds of thousands of migrant workers in Lebanon, are worth less than
those of other countries. Israels answer is a resounding yes, proven on a
nearly daily basis in the form of the killings in Qana or the more recent
bombing of Lebanese fruit farmers. The attitude is nothing less than colonial
and a confirmation of the racist nature of the Israeli State.
By the same token, Jubilee South reiterates that the worst form of terrorism is
that practiced by a State, and thatat the core of the violence in the Middle East
lies the negation of the rights of the Palestinian people to their own selfdetermination.
The return of illegally occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, along with the
insurance of the right of return of all Palestinians displaced by Israeli
expansion, is a sine qua non for a just and sustainable peace in the region.
We demand a permanent and unconditional halt to all bombing and offensive
operations against Lebanon and Gaza.
We condemn the American-Israeli aggression against Lebanon and demand
that all those responsible for the policies of extermination being practices
against the people of Lebanon and Palestine be held criminally accountable
and compelled to make reparations for their acts. We call on the UN General
Assembly to pass a Resolution for an investigation into war crimes and crimes
against humanity by Israel in Palestine and Lebanon.
We demand the return of Palestinian land and the lifting of the state of siege
imposed on Gaza.
We demand as well that Israel dismantle the apartheid wall it is building and
compensate the Palestinian people for the damages already suffered.
Together with the countless organizations and movements throughout the
world who have been expressing their indignation and repudiation in the face
of the escalating violence in the region, we join the many calls to continue and
deepen our solidarity with the peoples of Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, and
Afghanistan, victims of state terrorism and the imperialist onslaught, and with
all those throughout the region - be they Palestinian, Israeli, Muslim, Jewish,
Christian, whatever -who hope and struggle to build the only peace possible,
that which is the fruit of justice.
In that spirit we call on the global community to continue its state of alert and
intensify mobilizations against the attacks and the massacres, in solidarity with
peoples of Palestine and Lebanon, including international mobilizations in
support of these demands during the week of the forthcoming World Bank
and IMF Assemblies in Singapore this September.
34 Matiyaga Street, Central District
Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
secretariat /