The founding meeting, which was held in the form of a seminar in Chianciano, Italy from September the 20th through to the 23rd, strongly approves the proposal for the foundation of Sinistra Anticapitalista (Anticapitalist Left) as a communist, feminist, ecologist and internationalist political organization, committed to struggling against all sort of exploitation, oppression and rule on human beings and nature.
The women and men of Sinistra Anticapitalista struggle for a revolutionary rupture paving the way for the construction of a self-managed socialist society, free from exploitation, alienation and oppression, where every man and woman can democratically and pluralistically participate in the definition of new future.
The meeting passes the motion “From the working class and social movements, a revolutionary and libertarian project for socialism”, which was put forward as the basis for discussion, and the end statement by Franco Turigliatto; acknowledges the document “Job and joblessness in the time of Fiscal Compact”, approved at the Workers’ Meeting in Turin on June the 1st and 2nd, 2013 and chooses its political symbol, which was voted for at the end of the meeting.
The Meeting thanks its many domestic and international guests, who greatly contributed to enriching the discussion and strengthening its internationalist standpoint.
It especially emphasizes its solidarity with the struggles of the Greek people against the politics of Samaras cabinet and of European Troika, with the struggles of Syriza coalition and, above all, with the activity of the comrades of DEA and Left Platform.
Sinistra Anticapitalista draws its inspiration from Sinistra Critica, particularly with reference to the break-up with Prodi government in 2007 and the split from the Partito della Rifondazione Comunista (Communist Refoundation Party), which ensued thereafter. It wants to actively build a strong independent organization, able to overcome the shortcomings and to go beyond the ambiguities, which also marked the experience of Sinistra Critica and contributed to speeding up its end.
First and foremost, our organization will have to build, or re-build, and strengthen local branches, with a leadership who can effectively co-ordinate their political activity and keep their direction within the overall project of Sinistra Anticapitalista.
Great attention shall be given to the establishment of local branches’ physical locations and of a national headquarter, and to a well structured and ordered organizational functioning.
The National Coordination Committee shall be strengthened to the extent that it has to put together local branches and provide a tool for political leadership. The Executive Committee shall be the body which will manage the daily activities and political intervention of the organization in different sectors.
The political split that emerged from Sinistra Critica makes Sinistra Anticapitalista to be born with a more pronounced generational and gender imbalance in its rank-and-file as well as its leadership. This issue will be tackled soonest by the National Coordination Committee, which will adopt as soon as practicably possible all those measures that can be helpful to start resolving it, also in the framework of the redefinition of its local activity and presence.
The largest recruitment campaign to the organization will have to be developed, particularly as of next December, when membership enrollment for 2014 will be formally opened.
At the same time, Sinistra Anticapitalista will launch the fundraising campaign “30,000 euros’ attainment for 30,000 slaps in the face of discouragement”, which will try to raise this amount within end of 2013 so that the organization can effectively put its project in motion. As it is known, economically speaking, Sinistra Anticapitalista is completely based on self-financing and voluntary contribution from activists.
Appropriate focus will be placed on education, whose first step will be the lecture on Marxist Understanding of Economy, as prepared by the new “Livio Maitan Centre”.
In the months to come Sinistra Anticapitalista will arrange an educational lecture on the environment and, more broadly, on eco-socialism, which will be also focused on the way and method of intervention of our comrades in the movements in defence of nature and the Commons.
The discussion between women comrades of Sinistra Anticapitalista, which has been commenced in this meeting, will be further developed through all the instruments singled out by the comrades for an effective communication flow between them and towards the whole of the organization. At the beginning of 2014 will be held a lecture on the political work inside the movements and the presence of feminism in the whole of the activities and the identity of Sinistra Anticapitalista.
On the political plan, we will be proposing a political campaign on Europe, its anti-popular and capitalist nature, and on the demands that are necessary on the political, social and democratic plan, including the proposal for a contingency plan against the policies of austerity.
We reaffirm the stance towards unity, which was a feature of Sinistra Critica since its foundation as an independent organization in 2008, and its drive to build a united front of the left inspired by anticapitalism and radically alternative to social-liberal centre-left. Today in the face of a full-fledged neoliberal offensive of the bosses and the governments, and the disastrous outcome of five years of deepest economic crisis, this is most needed than ever.
That is why Sinistra Anticapitalista is fully committed to building Ross@ (“Red”), libertarian and anticapitalist united movement, and working to make it succeed, both politically and as an organization, by contributing to its construction with our own ideas. The comrades of Sinistra Anticapitalista are joining Ross@ on an individual basis, keeping double membership (as provided by the regulation of this movement), and are working together with all the other activists of Ross@ so that it will be able to develop its features and potential to the full extent.
To this purpose, and to support the most effective positions within Ross@ (as explained in Chapter 4 of “From the working class and social movements, a revolutionary and libertarian project for socialism”) the growth of our organization will prove extremely valuable.
All this will have to be carried out within a broader framework for the aggregation in the country of the largest social and political opposition front to the policies of austerity.
It will be necessary to prompt the convergence of all groups and class trade unions, the movements for the protection of environment, those for the right to housing, for the Commons and against the war and for peace.
We must draw up an emergency plan against economic crisis and austerity, centered on the fight against unemployment, the nationalization of Companies that shut down or lay off and of those that do not respect the environment and their employees’ health, the defence of public services and their improvement, the socialization of those already privatized, the restart of our bill on wage, and the nationalization of banks.
The week of action, 12th – 19th October, will be an important chance to advance in this direction.
The national demonstration ”La Via Maestra” (“The Royal Road”) of 12th October in defence of Constitution correctly points out to the danger of a further twisting of our country’s institutional framework, but dismisses not only the denunciation of the crucial and clear responsibility of centre-left and the President of the Italian Republic but also the disruption that already occurred, by the modification of Article 81 with the introduction of break even obligation for government balance sheet, as just an instance. Moreover the plea for the demonstration keeps silent on the Constitution being unable to stop any of detriment social measures adopted by rightwing as well as centre-left governments in the domain of pensions, job and living conditions of popular classes. Therefore we will join this demonstration with this discriminating approach.
The strike and demonstration to be held on 18th of October matter greatly as they have not been called by combative grassroots trade unions just for the sake of their own self-representation but also, and above all, to mark what will have been the only day of struggle of working people against pro-bosses and governmental social and economic politics to date.
That is why we will support both the strike and the ensuing demonstration while we will be pushing for an even greater cohesion and closer convergence between all sectors and organizations of class trade union movement.
On October the 19th we will take to the streets together with the movements for social housing, for the defence of environment, the commons and the public services. This demonstration will be the first step for the convergence on to the streets of many different movements as its open connection with the strike of the day before practically makes up a link with the struggles of the working class.
At the next National Conference of CGIL (the biggest trade union organization in Italy) to come the Executive Committee will try to hide its responsibilities in the decline of working class’ working and living standards (e.g. passive acceptance of the pension reform by the then Ministry Fornero, the wicked 31 May agreement and the Genoa agreement in support of the bosses’ demands) through affected unanimity, under the cover of which various bureaucratic groups within the union will be playing usual power games. Then we will be supporting to the full extent the alternative stance courageously taken by the Rete 28 Aprile (28th April Network) and other willing trade union groups to push for the formation within the CGIL and its structures of an organized tendency, able to give its contribution to the reconstruction of class trade unionism, also in unity of action with grassroots trade unions.
We shall fight against all inclinations to war, deeply rooted in the politics of capitalism in crisis, all the more as the geo-political order is being globally shook in all its structures of power.
We shall equally support the struggles that in many countries are underway against austerity and widespread impoverishment. We believe that one should especially support the revolutionary struggles of many Arab peoples against the dictatorships of Middle East and Maghreb, which run their countries in an authoritarian or totalitarian way.
That is also why we must confront any imperialistic attempts to find or make up excuses to unleash aggression against these countries. This would ultimately result in further legitimizing the dictators, who would look like anti-imperialist heroes, and at the same time in putting aside non-religious, democratic and socialist tendencies while strengthening the terrorist and fundamentalist ones.
Sinistra Anticapitalista – Founding Meeting