The series of events “Nuclear Free Now” in Tokyo and Fukushima successfully took place on the days around December 15-16, 2012.
In Tokyo’s Hibiya Park and surrounds, over 5500 people participated, including 25 international speakers from 9 countries. The Global Conference for a Nuclear Power Free World 2 ended with the announcement of the ’Tokyo Declaration for A Nuclear Power Free Future.’ This declaration highlights the need for a mechanism to facilitate stern scrutiny of nuclear regulation authorities by civil society; the urgency to put in place further assistance for those affected by the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster including measures to minimise exposure to radiation and the establishment of an assistance plan for children and victims based on the Act on the Protection and Support for the Children and other Victims of TEPCO Disaster passed in the Diet in June 2012; and calls for concrete moves to create a decentralized society that successfully encourages energy conservation and renewable energy.
In Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture, events coinciding with the ’Fukushima Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety’ co-sponsored by the Government of Japan and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), including a symposium by the Mayors for a Nuclear Power Free Japan network, a public gathering by the Fukushima Action Project, and the direct submission of citizen’s demands to a spokesperson of the IAEA in front of the Ministerial Conference Venue.
Also at the same time as these events, the Lower House Elections in Japan took place on December 16, bringing the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) back into government. Having gathered support because of citizen’s dissatisfaction with the prolonged economic downturn, the new LDP Prime Minister Abe Shinzo has made clear his stance to withdraw the previous Democratic Party Government’s policy of nuclear phase-out. However, as seen by the success of Nuclear Free Now, the Japanese people are strongly in favour of a nuclear free society. Debate on nuclear policy and conflict between public opinion and the government will continue to be a major issue in Japan.
Statements and Declarations
• “Tokyo Declaration for A Nuclear Power Free Future” (on ESSF: article 27561)
• “Statement and Demands Calling on the IAEA to sincerely respond to the Nuclear Power Plant Disaster Victims ” (on ESSF: article 27562)
• “Statement on the “Fukushima Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety”” (on ESSF: article 27563)