Déclaration de l’assemblée des mouvements sociaux - 4e Forum social européen
Athènes 7 mai 2006-05-22
Nous, femmes et hommes des mouvements sociaux de toute l’Europe, nous sommes venus à Athènes après des années d’expériences communes, luttant contre la guerre, le néolibéralisme, toutes les formes d’impérialisme, de colonialisme, de racisme, de discrimination et d’exploitation, contre tous les risques d’une catastrophe écologique.
Cette année a vu la victoire significative d’un certain nombre de luttes sociales et de campagnes pour stopper les projets néolibéraux, comme la proposition de traité constitutionnel européen, la directive portuaire de l’Union européenne et le CPE en France.
Les mouvements d’opposition au néolibéralisme se développent et s’affrontent au pouvoir des multinationales, au G8 et aux organisations telles l’OMC, le FMI et la banque mondiale, ainsi qu’aux politiques néolibérales menées par les Etats et l’Union européenne.
Des changements politiques importants se sont réalisés en Amérique Latine et ont ébranlé l’offensive néolibérale, et dans certains pays les mobilisations populaires ont réussi à annuler des processus de privatisation.
La situation actuelle est pleine d’opportunités, mais aussi de dangers importants. L’opposition et la résistance à l’occupation de l’Irak ont révélé l’échec de la stratégie américaine et britannique. Le monde fait maintenant face au danger d’un nouveau cauchemar avec une guerre en Iran. La décision arbitraire de l’UE de couper les fonds à l’Autorité nationale palestinienne est inacceptable et aggrave la situation. L’oppression du peuple Kurde n’est toujours pas réglée.
Des forces conservatrices au Nord et au Sud encouragent un « choc des civilisation » qui a pour but de diviser les peuples opprimés, ce qui engendre une violence inacceptable, la barbarie et des attaques supplémentaires contre les droits et la dignité des migrants et des minorités.
Bien que l’Union européenne soit une des régions les plus riches du monde, des dizaines de millions de personnes vivent dans la pauvreté, soit à cause du chômage de masse, soit à cause de la précarisation du travail. Les politiques de l’UE, basées sur une extension sans fin de la concurrence au sein et en dehors de l’Europe, constituent des attaques contre l’emploi, les travailleurs, les droits sociaux, les services publics, l’éducation, le système de santé... L’UE planifie la baisse des salaires des travailleurs et des allocations chômage, ainsi que la généralisation de la précarité.
Nous rejetons cette Europe néolibérale et toute volonté de relancer un traité constitutionnel qui vient d’être rejeté. Nous luttons pour une autre Europe, féministe, écologique, une Europe ouverte, une Europe de paix, de justice sociale, pour une vie soutenable, la souveraineté alimentaire et la solidarité, le respect des droits des minorités et l’autodétermination des peuples.
Nous condamnons la répression et la criminalisation des mouvements altermondialistes et des autres mouvements progressistes en Europe de l’Ouest et de l’Est.
Avec ce FSE d’Athènes, nous avons fait un pas en avant pour une meilleure coordination entre les mouvements de l’Ouest et de l’Est, avec une détermination commune de lutter pour la paix, l’emploi et une existence stable. Nous allons faire avancer notre agenda européen de campagne et de mobilisation sur les questions principales de notre plate-forme commune, développée dans les réseaux du FSE.
Nous avons besoin de coordonner notre travail, de définir une stratégie efficace pour la prochaine période, de renforcer et élargir nos mouvements.
Nous appelons tous les mouvements sociaux européens à ouvrir un large débat afin de décider tous ensemble des prochaines échéances communes dans les prochains mois au sein des structures du processus du FSE.
Certains événements importants sont déjà à l’ordre du jour :
– Nous nous mobiliserons pour un retrait complet des troupes d’Irak et d’Afghanistan, contre la menace d’une nouvelle guerre en Iran, contre l’occupation de la Palestine, pour le désarmement nucléaire, pour l’élimination des bases militaires en Europe et nous appelons à une semaine d’action du 23 au 30 septembre 2006.
– Nous appelons à une journée internationale d’action et de mobilisation le 7 octobre 2006 en Europe et en Afrique, pour une régularisation inconditionnelle des immigrés et des droits égaux pour tous ; pour la fermeture de tous les centres de rétention en Europe, pour stopper les expulsions et les déportations ; contre la précarité et pour supprimer la subordination du titre de séjour au contrat de travail, pour une citoyenneté de résidence.
– Nous nous mobiliserons contre la précarité, contre le démantèlement des services publics et des droits sociaux, coordonnant nos luttes à l’échelle de l’Europe entière dans les prochains mois.
En janvier 2007, le FSM se tiendra à Nairobi. Le développement des mouvements sociaux africains est en enjeu crucial pour le monde. Construire le FSM sera une opportunité de lutter contre l’exploitation imposée par l’Europe et le néocolonialisme
En juin 2007, une réunion du conseil de l’Union européenne et une rencontre du G8 vont se tenir à Rostock en Allemagne, après celle qui va se tenir à Moscou en juillet cette année. Nous nous saisirons de cette opportunité pour construire une convergence de nos luttes.
Appels et compte-rendus divers
A l’issue d’un débat sur les politiques répressives et sécuritaires et leurs répercussions sur les populations les plus précaires, les organisations présentes ont proposé la mise en place d’un réseau d’information, d’alerte et de résistance, puisque ces politiques sont mises en œuvre dans tous les pays.
Une des premières actions pourrait être dirigée contre la directive européenne qui oblige les états à légiférer sur la surveillance des moyens de communications privées d’ici deux ans.
According to the global consciousness on ecological threat and the responsability regarding future generations, the Assembly of Social Movements decide to launch the ecological social forum.
The agenda of this Ecological Social Forum, includes :
A campaign against the privatization of the water, a campaign against the GMO, the abolition of the revision of the Reach director on toxic and chemical products for the UE and the manifestation of the 4 of November against the climatic change.
European housing Networks (AIH, HIC, NO-VOX...) are calling for local and united mobilisations, around October 2nd to demand from public authorities : the realization of the right of decent and sustainable housing, for all without discrimination, the increase of the public sector of housing, the regulation of housing and land markets, an end to the forced evictions and to stop the destruction of the popular districts.
The ESF in Athens was an opportunity to strengthen the presence of movements of the Have not, precarious persons and the struggles against poverty. This solidarity support should continues.
The No Vox network calls for demonstration against the G8 in 2007 to denounce the increase of social inequalities, poverty, discrimination, repression, to share the wealth and build new rights such as a descent wage, freedom of movement and installation, housing and land for all.
We call to convergent campaigns throughout Europe :
• European campaign and European law, mass mobilization against violence towards women.
• Poverty, precariousness : marches in June 2007 to the G8 with European social movements
• Bolkestein and women’s rights : a day of action in October or November at Brussels.
• Campaign against “Eros centre” and trafficking of women during the next Football World Cup in Germany.
• European coordinated campaign to promote and improve our conception on a feminist, equal and lay Europe
On 27-28 July 2006 the WTO members will determine whether or not the present Doha Round of negotiations can be concluded by the end of this year. If they succeed the destruction of jobs, farmers livelihoods, public services, and the environment will accelerate world wide.
We must therefore unite and enlarge the mobilisation against free trade worldwide. We propose a conference with European networks working on migration, the casualisation of labour, public services, GMO’s, food sovereignty and the trade unions at the end of 2006.
Meanwhile, the Seattle to Brussels network calls upon those who can travel to be present in Geneva in July.
In this ESF, more than 40 organisations shared their struggles against the commodifications of common goods and the privatisation of public services, against the GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services) and the Bolkestein-Directive and against neoliberal policies of the EU, national and local governments. From here with the “Athens statement” we launch the European Network for Public Services. We will meet on 27 of October 2006 in Geneva in order to launch a European Day of mobilization to defend and relaunch public Services in Europe aiming at building the first European Forum of Social movements for public Services in 2007.
Les réseaux associatifs Euromarches et syndicaux réunis au FSE d’Athènes proposent :
1. De coordonner les organisations et réseaux de lutte contre la précarisation des emplois et de nos vies a l’occasion de la prochaine Assemblé Préparatoire Européenne.
2. D’organiser des initiatives et marches des precaires de toute l’Europe a l’occasion du G8 du sommet et d’UE en Juin 2007 (Heigendan/Rostock)
The fourth ESF gives a strong place to the european and transnational migration struggles, analyses and demands. We decide to propose a european day of action and mobilisation the 7th of October 2006, because it commemorates the events in Ceuta and Melilla, the southern European border, but also because it will connect the european action with the international mobilisation proposed in Bamako, toward the world social forum in Nairobi. We want to connect our initiative with the one promoted by the American migrants’ movement in September, in order to stress the global dimension of migrant struggles today.
The day of action will be directed against the denial of rights and criminalization of migrants, claiming for clear demands in the frame of freedom of movement and the right to stay : for a European unconditional legalization and equal rights to all migrants ; for the closure of all detention centres in Europe, for the stop to externalization, for the stop to deportations ; against the precariousness and for the uncoupling of the link between resident permit and the labour contract, for a residence citizenship.
We support the call for action launched by the abolition debt campaigns asking to organize collectively the occupation of World Bank and IMF offices all around the world during their annual meeting the 19 - 20 of September 2006-05-06
Durant cette FSE, le réseau qui s’est constitué autour du projet de « Charte de principes pour une autre Europe » a travaillé en une de l’élaboration d’un projet qui sera proposé à discussion à tous les réseaux et mouvements sociaux européennes.
L’Europe doit être le fruit de la participation de tous les citoyennes, residant sur son sol, qui ils en soient o non originaires. Depuis les référendums français et hollandais, les gouvernements ne peuvent ressusciter le Traité Constitutionnel : celui-ci est mort.
L’abandonner est le seul moyen de ne pas aggraver le déficit démographique : c’est la condition pour pouvoir développer un processus démocratique pour construire une autre Europe.
Le réseau a décidé de tenir une réunion à Paris fin 2006 pour discuter d’une premier réunion de cette charte de principes pour une autre Europe, poursuivre et élargir ce processus ce processus afin d’avoir un outil commun montrant qu’il existe des alternatives au néolibéralisme.
We, participants of the health network at the Athens ESF, reject the neoliberal approach to health and insist on a revitalisation to the principles of Health for All as set out in the Alma Ata declaration. These are universality, comprehensiveness, equity and services free at the point of care. The right to health will only be achieved with social and economic justice.
We invite all European peoples and organizations to participate and support in the world campaign for the right to health considering the defence of the rights in Europe and international solidarity for the right to health of African People.
We demand a respect of the Geneva convention regarding the protection and full cooperation for the health missions, services and professionals in the care of populations in war zones.
We propose two specific European campaigns :
– Against the Bolkenstein directive and privatisation of all Public Services
– For free access for All to quality Health Services in public hands
The social movements support international demonstrations calling on world leaders to take urgent action to prevent catastrophic climate change. These demonstrations will take place on the 4th and 11th November 2006.
1. 7-9 July -Against the cut of funds to the PNA and for its immediate restoration.
2. 9-16 November against the wall and annexation, stressing Jerusalem issue.
3. Increasing the european civil missions.
We call everybody to reject any attempts to legitimize torture, detention centres and executions ; both domestically and abroad (including candidate states to EU memberships like Turky).
It’s necessary to raise the issue of the connection between the “war on terror”, recist exclusion and the attack on civil human rights and against the banning of social and political organizations. We reject special courts and proceedings.
“Antiterrorist laws”, old and new, and “antiterrorist” lists are being used to criminalise and attack political dissidence, with the EU playing and active role in this.
We call for the recognition of the political nature of political prisoners, which will allow a political resolution on the issue, leading to their definitive release.
We call everybody inside and outside the ESF to include the struggle for the freedom of political prisoners, against torture, against the “antiterrorist” laws and the migrants’ detention camps in all our political and social struggles. The right to have rights is on the agenda of the day.
We call for an european week of common action against the commercialization and the privatization of education on the third week of november 2006.
17th November : International student day in Europe after the great movement in France against CPE, as a date of mobilization against Bologna process and casualisation.
The Latin American group of the Network Latin America and and companions we met in the framework of European Social Forum :
1. - We considered very successful the organization of 4th FSE and wet hank for all the people who contributed in that process.
2. - We accentuated the importance of the against-summit and the events that was going away in the framework of Connecting Alternative the 2 in Vienna.
3. - We decided
• to look common ways to organize initiatives against the catastrophic roll of the multinationals that usurp the life of million people in Latin America. Specially, in which one talks about the privatization of the water, we want to make attention that the most of those companies is European, fact that it demands that the European movements resist to such processes
• To find common processes of solidarity with the movements and the town of Colombia that were being whipped by the militarist government of Uribe the one that refuses to find a political solution to the social and armed conflict, and to support the processes of the Permanent Tribunal of the Towns so that it judges the policy of the multinationals and their impunity in Colombia
• To express our solidarity to the Zapatistas and the « Other Campaign ». Specially, to express our solidarity to the community of San Salvador Atenco that in those days is resisting to the assassins attacks from the repressive mechanisms of the Mexican state
• To express our solidarity to all the political prisoners of the continent and to look for ways to make visible the subject and to organize solidarity campaigns
• To denounce once again the embargo against Cuba and to express our solidarity to the towns of Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia and to all the processes of liberation that develop to the towns of Latin America and the Caribbean
• To support in all the possible forms the campaign by the demilitarization of Latin America (EACH).
We artist against wars for the second time participate on the European Social Forum. We continue the engagement of the artist in the worldd social movement which began in Florence 2002 after the World Social Forum in Porto Alegree 2001. We are independent from parties and trade unions.
We know that our engagement must be total for the support of the peoples and the multitude of human beings who are fighting for their freedom, their autonomy and their dignity.
The global wars all over the world are destroying the elementary human rights of millions of men and women. The wars have always been for the economical interest of a few and now this reality is stronger than before.
We support with our activities the people of Palestine, of Kurdistan, of Sahara, of Pakistan.
We want to go back to Iraq, where we have been 2002 before the military occupation began.
The peoples of the whole world must join together in a unique stream of souls and minds to determine the conditions for a world free of conflicts, racism, explitation and social discrimination.
We altogether must go on this way, which started in 1968 with the student movement and continued now with the no global and peace movement.
We propose an international day for the independence of peoples of the world on 4th July 2006.
Net of Artist against Wars
As in July 2006, the G8 summit will take place in St. Petersburg, Russia, we call social movements and militants for their support, by direct participation or by solidarity actions, the 2nd Russian Social Forum that is to be held in St. Petersburg, parallel to G8, by russian opponents to the neoliberal capitalism.
Within the framework of “coutner-G8” events in July 2006, an echange of experiencie between militants from different countries is needed, allowing to make their political positions closer and to agree on a program of further activities by movements, organizations and activists from Western and Eastern Europe and ex-USSR countries promoting alternatives to neoliberalism, racism and war.
In this respect, we beleive the following problems are of a primary importance for Russia and other ex-USSR countries :
• Jointly counteracting, on an international level, new neoliberal measures being promoted by Putin regime in connection with Russia’s entry into the WTO (in housing, health care and other spheres of vital importance)
• Support for workers’ movement and labour union militants against capitalist bosses and the pro-capitalist state, particularly in TNC’s ; solidarity with prosecuted labour militants ;
• Support for the Russian movement for full-quality non commercial education for everyone, against commercialization and privatizations in education with their inevitable destructive effects :
• Opposing the growth of xenophobia and the provocative policy of the state authorities leading to ethnic conflicts ; promoting internationalist alternatives on migration issues ;
• International solidarity in cases of police repression against social activist and Left political militants, support to political prisoners ;
• Housing reform and privatisation of common goods.
We support the IVth International Conference Against Dissappereances, which is going to be held in Diyarbakir, Turky (Northerm Kurdistan, on the 16th-20th of May 2006 organized by the international Committee Against Dissapereances (ICAD) and Relatives Association of Dissappeared people (YAKAY-DER) organizations struggling against political oppression and specificaly dissappereances ander custody.
This forum should call every people in order to abolish isolation in prison specially in Abuguraib, Guantanamo, F type Prisons, in Turky and white cells in Europe. Isolation should ended. The dater of 19-22 December should be organized as a day in order to support political prisionerss -
We re-emphasize that the racist separation wall destroy the daily lives of Palestinian people.
We declare our solidarity with the international movement against the wall.
We are demanding the liberation of Dr. Ahmed Saadat (general secretary of Popular-Liberation Front. Maha Nassar-Palestine)
In Turkey, where there are no freedoms, the militarist fascist character of the state is still continuing. The increasing explotation of working class and the oppression of the Kurdish people has not com to an end.
Egypt today es one of the most important support to imperialist policies in the Arabic region, while the Regime continuously oppresses its opponents in the movement for democracy. We express our full solidarity with the demands of this movement and demand immediate release of all jails.
European wide day of Solidarity with the people of Nepal to take place throughout Europe on 2 Setemberr 2006 under the slogan “Support the people’s struggle. Hans off Nepal”
El IV Foro Social Europeo de Atenas critica y condena, tanto elbloqueo de Estado Unidos contra Cuba, como la Posición Común de la Unión Europea por injusta, discriminatoria y por perjudicar a los pueblos de Cuba y de Europa.
Por ello insta y exige al Consejo de Europa a que en su reunión de junio de 2006, elimine definitivamente las sanciones a Cuba, así como la Posición Común y en su lugar se establezcan plenas relaciones de colaboración con Cuba.
Asimismo recomienda la elaboración de una “Posición Común” de los pueblos de Europa que frente a la de los gobiernos europeos haga realidad el respeto y la solidaridad en este momento de despertar de las conciencias emancipatorias de América Latina en el que Cuba desempeña un papel positivo.
Se propone presentar este documento en la Asamblea de los movimientos Sociales en que se efectúa en el marco de este IV FSE, en la cumbre Unión Europea América Latina y en la Contra Cumbre “enlazando Alternativas” que tendrán lugar en Viena del 11 al 13 de mayo de 2006.
Se plantea, además, enviar este documento a las siguientes instituciones de la UE :
Parlamento Europeo
Comisión Europea
Comisión de Desarrollo del PE
Consejo Europeo
Gobiernos de la UE
Delegación de la UE en la Habana
(Seminario Relaciones Unión Europea-Cuba)
Babels is a network of volunteer interpreters and translators that will cover the interpretation and translation needs of the 4th ESF. Babels has over 9.000 volunteers throughout the world and its main aim is to ensure every participant’s right to express their thoughts and ideas in the language of their choice.
Babels principles
Babels interpreters are activist and their participation is based on Babels’ principles and militancy. Babels is not a cheap service provider, and its interpreters and translators are not a mere linguistic decoration. They are committed political actresses and actor who take part in the Social Forum process, and who seek to open the Social Forum to new thoughts and proposals originatin from countries whose languages have rarely been represented in past Forums.
Languages are not only about transmitting ideas, but are also the cradle for new ideas. This is why we push for the presence of a much larger number of languages in social Forums, allowing more and different people to express themselves and participate in the debates. Since the creation of Babels, the Social forums have increased the number of languages with interpretation from 4 to over 20 different languages. This, in turn, has allowed more people to participate, and not only the fortunate intellectuals and activists who have been trained to speak and to understand neo-colonial languages.
Babels has also fought to increase the number of spaces in which international communication can take place. Interpretation must be provided wherever it is needed, from large conference rooms to areas where small groups of people meet to exchange ideas, to articulate movements, and to propose concrete actions.
Involving volunteers in Social forums is therefore for Babels to get involved and to participate at all levels. The joint work of the volunteers and trained experts (whether professionals, retired professionals or non-professionals) and skilled people (whether translation students, bilingual activists, and so on...) is a conscious choice. The quality of interpreting and translating in social forums is also linked to the commitment of the volunteers through collaboration and cooperation inside and outside Babels, specially from Organizing Committees and participant organizations.
It must be made clear that Babels does not promote sub-standard work an does not wish to damage the reputation of freelance translators and interpreters. On the contrary, our commitment to the Social Forum goes hand in hand with our demand for respect to work of translators and interpreters.
The 4th European Social Forum
In the 4th European Social Forum in Athens, there are no official languages. The Organizing committee of The European Social Forum (http:www.athens.fse-esf.org/) has tried to mobilize people from the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Babels has also made an effort to mobilize interpreters from this region. This is why it will be possible to listen to interpretation into Hungarian, Romanian, Serg0-Coratian, Czech, Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Turkish and Arabic, for instance. Babels-el, the group of Babels members in Greece, has also called on immigrants living in Greece to participate in the process. Interpreters were chosen based on linguistic criteria, their experience, but also their geographical location : we have tried to bring some volunteers from all over the world, so that the social forum process can continue in other countries.
How better to begin making another world possible than by really understanding each other ?.
9/11 2006
On September 11th 2006 people over the world stand together for peace, justice and solidarity.
We commemorate the innocent whose blood was shed on 9/11 1973 in Chile in the American supported military coup d’etat.
We remember and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of the satygraha movement -the movement of no-violent resistance and truth force-on 9/11 1906.
On that day at a mmeting at the empire Theatre in Johannesburg, South Africa Sheth haji Habib, anIndian, South African Muslim declared it commitment to refuse non-violently, at any cost, the new laws of repression passed by the British colonial empire against coloured people in South Africa. Mohandas Gandhi attended the meeting which became a historic step forward for people’s non-violent power in its modern form. Since the, this same force has brought down imperial rule in India and elsewhere, achieved civil rights in the USA, contributed to the defeat of apartheid in South Africa and inspired people’s struggles for justice and dignity across the planet.
The worldwide social forum movement for global justice must became globally visible and show its vision, diversity and strength.
We therefore call upon all people to join us on 9/11 2006 to commemorate the suffering of innocent victims of terror, wars and injustice and to celebrate, recreate and renew for our times the force of non-violent struggle. Let us use that occasion worldwide to demand democracy at all alevels and to express our condemnation of war, particularly in Iraq and Palestine, our solidarity with all oppressed people and our commitment to a habitable planet for human beings and other species.
Athens, European Social Forum, May 6th 2006
The initial signatories are Luciana Castellina, Ramon Duran, Susan George and Thomas Wallgren
www. folkroresler.nu/nonviolence100
On the 25th of April was Jiri Dolejs, the vice-chairman of the Czech Communist Party and the deputy of the Czech Parliament, brutally beaten on a street by a group of anticommunist who new his fave from the TV-screen. Two days ago he went throught an eye surgery and he is still remaining in a hospital in the consequence of the attack. This act of politically motivated right-wing violence is just a tip of an iceberg of systematically organized anticommunist campaign, led by the Czech mnedia and right-win politicians. To give you an exemple : Czech minister of foreign affairs personally supported the production of T-shirts with slogans such as “kill a communist to strengthen the peace”
We, the participants of the European Social Forum, condemn anticommunist campaigns, as these campaigns limit and destroy political freedoms. We shall to keep and extend political freedoms for the left
Socialist Circle (http://sok.bz/)
Repression in San Salvador Atenco (Mexico)
San Salvador Atenco is an area near Mexico City, which is well known for the struggles of the peasants. Recently, the Mexican Federal Police attacked flower-seller, who claimed the right of selling in public area, which is due to the construction of a wall.
When San Salvador Atenco’s citizens protested against violence police brutality went beyond limits. A 14 year boy was killed, a 30 year old man is clinically dead, and there are 110 injured people and 213 have been arrested. Most of them are members of the FPDT (Frente por la defensa de la tierra) which had signed the Sixth Declaration of Lacandona jungle and participates to the “other campaign”.
San Salvador Atenco es now occupied by 4.000 policemen. EZLN declared Red Alarm in the zapatistas communities and the Other Campaign and the EZLN’s “Comision Sexta” called for a solidarity demonstration nationally and internationally so that the police withdraw from the area and for the liberation of the arrested people.
We support the Other Campaign’s appeal. It is important to have an international mobilization against the criminalization of the social fight and the use of government violence against people. We resist the imposition of financial benefits against our lives.
The San Salvador Atenco’s cause is our cause.
We claim :
• The police force withdraw from the area
• The liberation of the arrested peopleç
• The respect of San Salvador Atenco’s people and their right to a life in dignity
We all are San Salvador Atenco
Enough with the repression
We refusing the military and repressive policies, which are exercised in the name of “the war against drugs” at international level, guided by the government of the United States of America against the national sovereignty of the countries and the human rights of their people.
We demand
• The creation of alternative ways
• The ending of the prohibition policies
• The initiation of new form of social control in the production, distribution and consumption of psychotropic substances.
The ESF memory project network is informing all organisations and networks that they can publish and circulate the outcomes of their activities in the ESF on the http://worspace.fse-esf.org
You can create “groups” with participants of various organisatrions ; you can edit texts, images, links, files and your proposals and project.
If you need help on how to use the site, please “contact participants” for the organisation called “Help desk collective”
Le 2 décembre s’est ouvert à Athènes le procès en appel du « 17 novembre ». Les membres présumés de cette organisation de gauche grecque sont accusés d’avoir commis, depuis la fin de la junte, une série de crimes politiques et d’attentats par l’organisation. Au moment des jeux olympiques d’Athènes, les autorités grecques on engagé un démantèlement de ce groupe, mais ceci s’est en fait traduit par des arrestations et un premier procès conduits de manière scandaleuse.
Le premier procès s’était soldé par des condamnations à de très lourdes paines, allant jusqu’à 21 fois la perpétuité, d’accusés clamant leur innocence... Un tribunal sans jurés, siégeant dans une prison, formé de huit magistrats, dont six avaient été nommés pendant la junte...
Les droits de la défense et la présomption d’innocence doivent être pleinement respectés pour le procès en appel. Il faut que ce procès et ceux qui restent à venir se déroulent de façon équitable, devant des juridictions régulières.
Nous vous appelons à user de tous les moyens politiques et juridiques dont vous disposez pour la défense de l’État de droit, des droits et des libertés démocratiques, afin que nul ne soit condamné sans preuves, que les portes des prisons ne se referment pas sur des innocents et que les Etats dont nous les citoyens s’interdisent l’imposition de conditions de détention incompatibles avec le respect de la personne humaine.
We the participants of the 4th ESF ask people, civil society’s, NGO’s, political parties and governments to adopt and establish in the next revision of their national Constitutions the right and ability of a sufficient number of citizens in every state to ask their Parliaments for new Legislation, coming out of Citizens’ Legislative Initiatives, as well as to accept Referendum for the cancellation of Laws considered being against the will of the majority of Citizens’ of each state.