The Party of Socialism and Freedom (PSOL) expresses its profound grief over the death of one of its leading members, comrade Paulo Piramba, who died last Saturday in Rio de Janeiro, and sends its condolences to his family, friends and comrades, and especially to his dear partner, Luciene Lacerda.
Paulo Piramba was a member of the Enlace current and of the Brazilian section of the IV International. He was involved in organizing the social movements’ Rio +20 alternative summit, belonged to the Brazilian Ecosocialist Network and was coordinator, founder and promoter of the PSOL’s Ecosocialist Commission.
Ecosocialism – a synthesis of the Marxist and libertarian egalitarian utopia of 19th century socialism with the militant ecologism of the current millennium – was, alongside the fight against all kinds of oppression, exploitation and intolerance, Paulo’s great passion. He played a fundamental part in spreading its concerns both inside and outside the party, through his writings and especially through his blog, Ecosocialism or Barbary.
He was a brilliant debater who wielded his pen as a weapon in the hard but necessary battle of ideas, in his blog and on social networks, in the party and in the social movements, in defence not only of ecosocialism, but of the many libertarian causes of feminism, anti-racism and anti-homophobia, and against all kinds of intolerance. Piramba was intolerant only of intolerance. For him thought and action were never separate, but were fused in his tireless activism.
His generosity, his independence, his intelligence and political energy – along with his example of someone who spoke and wrote what he thought and acted in accordance with both – will be hugely missed in this particular corner of the political and social struggle in our country.
The best way of honouring his life and his memory is to take up with even greater energy the banners that were his and are those of the PSOL: ecosocialism, feminism and the defence of diversity – ethnic, racial, cultural and of sexual orientation.
Com Piramba, bradamos nesta hora
“Ecossocialismo ou Barbárie!”
Até sempre, camarada Paulo Piramba!
Partido Ecossocialismo e Liberdade