ANAK MINDANAO Party List felt sad and angered with the vote of the Senate postponing the ARMM Election and caving in to the wishes of Malacanang and the ruling coalition’s position.
The 13 Senators who voted for the unconstitutional act have insulted democracy, betrayed and denied the peoples of ARMM to choose their own leaders and assaulted the autonomy of the region which is a result of the long and continuing struggle for Self-Determination and co-existence of the Bangsamoro, the Indigenous Peoples and the Mindanao Migrant Settlers. The approval was a forced-rush signal from Malacanang using the 200M development fund for each senator as the pressure instrument to favor the position. This move is simply a political preparation for 2013 and beyond 2016 for political accommodation of allies and friends.
The Anak Mindanao Party List is always in a position with the Marginalized tri-peoples, the poor and the oppressed. As a Mindanao-based Party-List, it was an insult to us as Mindanaone as we are deprived of our very right to choose our leaders and exercise our basic democratic right. The Senate’s decision is very anti-people and anti-democracy and is supportive of an autocratic leadership of Malacanang.
The disrespect of the Philippine Constitution by the ruling coalition itself is a clear manifestation of going against the peoples’ democratic right not only in the Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao but for the entire country. Giving power to the President to appoint ARMM officials is a direct opposite to the foundation of EDSA 1 which is against dictatorial rule.
AMIN does not endorse nor support any candidate for the ARMM election. Likewise, recommending anyone for appointment in the ARMM’s elective positions is also contradictory to AMIN’s pro-democracy and pro-direct peoples’ participation position. AMIN Party List is consistent in its position for reforms in ARMM and involvement of the people in the process.
Malacanang and the ruling coalition should hear the people. Election and not selection!
Executive Committee
Anak Mindanao (AMIN) Party List
8 June 2011