Great East Japan Earthquake/Tsunami and Fukushima Nuke Disaster: Our thanks to the ESSF and all the contributors to the ESSF financial-solidarity campaign, and our determination
Japan Revolutionary Communist League (JRCL)
National Council of Internationalist Workers (NCIW)
May 17, 2011
The March-11 earthquake of magnitude 9 and the ensuing formidable tsunami that hit and devastated the vast area of Eastern Japan brought the number of deaths and missing persons to 25,000, and those people who are obliged to live at the various evacuation sites number 120,000 at present. Fukushima nuclear plant, whose crisis has reached the revel 7, comparable to that of Chernobyl, brought about meltdown of reactor cores and hydrogen explosions, continues to leak the radiation to the land, sea and air: calming down of the dreadful situation is not yet in sight.
The unprecedentedly large-scale and grave combination of the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster has exposed the incompetence and irresponsibility of the bourgeois government and the electricity business, and the basic contradiction of the class society where it is necessarily the exploited, oppressed and discriminated who are to suffer the greatest damages: the contradiction has been intensified outrageously by the whole process of neoliberal globalization.
Our comrades of Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures, sufferers of the disasters themselves, have been in full mobilization for varied activities to support disaster-hit inhabitants, to oppose the dismissals of workers ensued from the earthquake/tsunami, to campaign for preventing deterioration of nuclear damages and decommissioning the nuke plants, and to struggle for rehabilitation of local communities. Comrades and co-workers of non-stricken areas have participated in the on-site activities. Their campaigns and activities are now becoming a part of the currently expanding popular mobilization against the nuke-energy policy and for denuclearization.
The ESSF (Europe solidaire sans frontieres) financial-solidarity campaign, initiated by the appeal of Pierre Rousset and Danielle Sabai [1], seconded by our JRCL/NCIW international appeal [2], has got rather favorable international responses. We have got the financial aid of 11,745 Euros (about 1,400,000 Yens) [3] as contributions from comrades, friends, and fraternal groups and organizatios of Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Republic of the Congo, France, Germany, England, Quebec and Asia at large. These contributions are genuine expressions of internationalism, and we greatly appreciate those internationalist contributions, and many thanks especially for the ESSF comrades’ efforts.
The half of all the contribution has been handed to the Tohoku Zenroukyou (Northeastern NTUC – National Trade Union Council), and the Northeaster NTUC workers are utilizing the international contribution for disaster relief activities and organizing workers and popular resistances and campaigns against the workers dismissals and other social attacks.
The other half of the international contribution is to be handed to the workers group of Iwaki city, Fukushima prefecture, and those workers are to utilize the contribution for procuring necessary devices to carry out an independent measurement of radiation and propagate the radioactive information among the local population.
We are determined to strengthen and expand our activities, bearing the solidarity contributions from the international friends and comrades firmly in mind. We repeat: great thanks to all of you.
May 17, 2011
International donations are collected via Europe solidaire sans frontières (ESSF), Europe in Solidarity Without Borders :
cheques to ESSF in euros only to be sent to:
2, rue Richard-Lenoir
93100 Montreuil
Bank Account:
Crédit lyonnais
Agence de la Croix-de-Chavaux (00525)
10 boulevard Chanzy
93100 Montreuil
ESSF, account number 445757C
International bank account details :
IBAN : FR85 3000 2005 2500 0044 5757 C12
Account holder : ESSF