Founding Congress Statement of the Katipunan ng mga Kabataang Kadre
November 26-30, 2009 at Camp Tếz of the Lumad Guerillas in Maguindanao
Our time has come! Take the Banner and Intensify the Revolution!
The history of all existing societies is a history of class struggle. And the history of all class struggles in different parts of the world, with various peculiarities and in different epoch is incomplete without appreciating and examining the active and oftentimes, leading role of the young peoples. The young peoples, described as dynamic, bold and daring, is a sector, composed of various sub-sectors, which transcends to different sectors and classes of the society. These characteristics of the young peoples, as well as its certain future of becoming the leaders of their societies, make them, as a sector, the fountain that cannot be depleted.
Given the present realities of Capitalist domination and the recent global capitalist crisis in the world, the stigma and trauma brought about by Stalinism, the barbaric imperialist exploitation in the Philippines, particularly in Mindanao, and the failures, shortcomings, victories, deviations and historical divisions of the left movements, like in the Philippines, the need to massively arouse and organize and militantly mobilize the youth along with all the various oppressed sectors, is more urgent than ever.
Thus, on this occasion of the anniversary of Bonifacio Day, the socialist oriented youth from the Bangsa Moro people, Indigenous Peoples of Mindanao and from the majority nationality, proclaimed the creation of a new underground, revolutionary socialist, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist youth society called the Katipunan ng mga Kabataang Kadre (KKK) or the Society of Young Cadres. This society is mainly based in Mindanao with elements in various parts of the country.
The creation of this new youth underground society is partly inspired by the struggle of Andres Bonifacio. More importantly, this is to answer the need to have a fresh revolutionary youth movement, which is pluralists, open to various forms of struggles and freer from the painful past of the Left in the Philippines. Further, it reflects the desire of the young revolutionaries to slowly unlearn and out-grow the Stalinists and Maoist orientations that they inherited. This is also to help create a counter -culture among the young activists and revolutionaries, in various movements, against the rising culture of careerism, opportunism, economism and reformism that has wrecked havoc and confusion in various movements. This counter-culture will shield the young revolutionaries from the ideological influences of counter-revolutionaries who remained in the various movements because it has already become their comfort zone and source of living, and from the commercialized culture massively propagated by the bourgeoisie. Moreover, the KKK is an expression of the commitment of the young revolutionaries to help in making the youth take more active and progressive roles in the society, as its major contribution to the whole revolutionary movement towards the realization of Socialism in the country and the world and a move of acceptance of the responsibility of continuing and intensifying the revolution.
In pursuing its program, the KKK as a society of young Socialist Activists and Revolutionaries, follows the framework of advancing for the democratic demands of the youth as transition demands towards more radical and revolutionary demands, intertwined with the over-all demands of the whole oppressed class. Among others, the KKK calls for an Accessible Progressive and Socially Relevant Educational System, Decent Jobs for New Graduates and Out-of-School Youth and the punishment, preferably through revolutionary justice, of all the brains of anti-social activities, like illegal drugs. The KKK also calls for the abolition of anti-people policies such as, but not limited to, privatization of industries and basic services, deregulation of basic commodities and liberalization of trade and policies related to it. Further, the KKK calls for a radical redistribution of resources to the people, particularly land for the farmers and urban poor. The KKK supports the right to Self-determination of all peoples and calls on the respective masses of all peoples to advance their interest against the interest of their own elite in connivance with the capitalists and imperialists. The KKK calls on all peoples and revolutionaries to unite against warloardism in Mindanao and the whole country who for decades have played as gods in their respective localities. Only a revolutionary justice and peoples’ movement could put an end to this.
The KKK calls on all anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist youth, from various movements, to unite in common political projects under the conditions of democracy and pluralism as a possible starting point of a long term unity towards a massive blow against the state. The KKK further calls on all young cadres to intensify our political works and to always fight side by side with the majority masses, as they are the main force of the revolution and to whom our sacrifices are offered, towards the building of a revolutionary mass movement, liberated and empowered enough to smash this elitist government and seize political power to establish a real government of the masses, for the masses and by the masses.
The Katipunan ng mga Kabataang Kadre (KKK) – The Society of Young Caders