(Cyprus, May 31, 2010) At 11:00 pm Cyprus time and in international waters off the coast of Israel, the boats were contacted by the Israeli navy. “Who are you and where are you going?” Our reply was that we were part of a flotilla and we were going to Gaza to deliver humanitarian supplies.
On the radar, the boats could see three Israeli war ships shadowing us, and 15 minutes later, a silent aircraft hovered over the flotilla. One of our Hebrew speakers had found Israel’s strategy and posted it to us. It stated, “You will be boarded by highly trained, very efficient and very SILENT commandos. They will use silent inflatable boats to get to our boats and both try to board our boats directly from the inflatables and by dropping divers into the water to climb onto the boats,” so people were preparing for them to come up and over the sides of the ships.
Our SPOT locator has sent out several HELP messages at www.witnessgaza.com .
Lubna Marsawa, Free Gaza’s organizer on the Turkish passenger boat said in outrage, “Very few times in history has a flotilla delivering humanitarian goods been welcomed by military war ships.”
This is a call to the world from the people on the boats. “We are a civilian people doing what our governments have refused to do, challenge Israel’s right to collectively punish 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza by blockading their right to their own sea. This flotilla is bringing construction and educational supplies the people of Gaza and are being met by Israeli warships.”
Contact: Huwaida Arraf on board the Challenger 0088 216 5207 2093
Ewa Jasciewica on board the Challenger 0088 163 184 7926
Fatima Mohammed on board the IHH ship 8821636619168
Greta Berlin 00 357 99 18 72 75
Mary Hughes 00 357 96 38 38 09
Check out this site, find the Israeli embassy nearest you and let them know how you feel. http://www.embassiesabroad.com/embassies-of/Israel
— Greta Berlin, Co-Founder +357 99 18 72 75 witnessgaza.com www.freegaza.org http://www.flickr.com/photos/freegaza
Israeli pacifists mobilizing
English translation of a message sent to Israeli activists
Coalition against the siege in Gaza
Urgent message
A demonstration supporting the break the siege flotilla
will be held tomorrow, Monday, 31.5.10 at 4:00 pm
in front of the Ashdod port, Gate No. 1
We will be leaving from Levinski garden in Tel Aviv, at 3 pm
We will be using private cars, a bus will be called if necessary
Those who can bring a private car are requested to come to the pick up location to help with transportation
The humanitarian flotilla is predicted to arrive at the Gaza shore at noon
We expect the ships to be taken over and to be towed in Ashdod port
We will be there to express our solidarity with the flotilla
And will call to break the siege and open the gates of Gaza
Registration: Ya’acov 050-5733276, 09-7670801. E-mail: manor12 nq5 zahav.net.il
For further information: Sebastian 0506-846056
For assistance: info nq5 gush-shalom.org