In the name of just and civilized humanity,
For the umpteenth time, Israel launched its agression to the neighboring country, the Palestine. The agression conducted including bombing on civilian area is considered as crime of war. This has been a serious violation of both humanitarian and human rights international law, based on jurisdiction of International Criminal Court of 1998’s Rome Statute.
In our view, the bottomline of the struggle of Palestinian people is an agrarian struggle in order to defend the land, territory and natural resources. This has been the struggle of people all across the world, including in Indonesia, where people fight for their agricultural land, their home and environment, from annexation of state and non-state actor (for instance, individual and in general the Transnational Corporations or the TNCs). These actors have been accumulating capitals by expanding plantation and extractive industries.
Israel so far have not respect the peace building process, international law, and even the UN resoultion. This has been manifested in the arrogant stance and immunity for international sanctions, and for a long time are being supported by the imperialist United States. For the United States, this is the first challenge for the new Obama regime on their position towards the new world order, the Islam community and the peace building process in Middle East region, especially Palestine.
Gerak Lawan condemns the brutal attack by Israel and demand its complete withdrawal from Palestine territory. Israel should also responsible for the crime of war, civilians victims of their bullets and bombs, children and women of Palestine.
Solidarity calls for Palestine by the people’s movement in Indonesia should be responded by the Government of Indonesia (GOI) to be voiced in international level. This voice should correspond directly to the mandate from our National Constitution’s (UUD 1945) preambule, “Whereas independence is a genuine right of all nations and any form of alien occupation should thus be erased from the earth as not in conformity with humanity and justice,” and one of the our national goal is “To contribute to the implementation of a world order based on freedom, perpetual peace and social justice.” Furthermore, the GOI, and the others who have human rights obligations—in the same manner of various international treaties of human rights and their compliance—have to enforce their efforts in order to protect non-combatant civilians.
Aside from those mandates, the GOI, as the initiator of Afro-Asian Conference and Non-Aligned Movement, as experienced former member of the UN Human Rights Council and Security Council, should do progressive actions in regards of peace building in Palestine. The GOI can initiate a strong sanction to Israel through its role in the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), UN, and widening the Afro-Asian Conference and Non-Aligned Movement’s solidarity to Afro-Asia-Latin America Conference and the revitalization of its Non-Aligned Movement towards a movement against a neocolonialism-imperialism that will promote a new world order. More importantly, these efforts can push for a united Palestine—including a conflict resolution between Fatah and Hamas factions.
As for the people’s movement in Indonesia, we will gather and international solidarity of peasants, workers, fisher folks, environmentalists, women, youth in order to conduct a wide campaign in the UN mechanisms and other humanitarian efforts.
Jakarta, 31 December 2009
Further contact:
Gunawan (General Secretary of Indonesian Human Rights Committee for Social Justice)
Mobile: +62 815 847 45 469
Dani Setiawan (Chairman, KAU – Koalisi Anti Utang)
Mobile: +62 812 967 1744
Berry N. Furqon (Executive Director WALHI, Friends of the Earth Indonesia)
Mobile: +62 812 5110979
Henry Saragih (Chairman, SPI - Serikat Petani Indonesia)
Mobile: +62 816 3144441
(Indonesian People’s Movement against Neocolonialism-Imperialism)
Serikat Petani Indonesia, Aliansi Petani Indonesia, Serikat Buruh Indonesia, Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia, Serikat Nelayan Indonesia, Serikat Hijau Indonesia, Front Perjuangan Pemuda Indonesia, Solidaritas Perempuan, Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia, Indonesian Human Rights Committee for Social Justice, Koalisi Anti Utang, Konsorsium Pembaruan Agraria, Bina Desa, Institute for Global Justice, Lingkar Studi-Aksi untuk Demokrasi Indonesia