Over 40 civil society organizations have joined and are supporting Faiz Amn Mela (Faiz peace Festivity). They include political parties, professional organizations, radical social organizations, and trade unions. Faiz Amn Mela will take place on Saturday 22 March from 6pm at Open Air Theater Bag Jinnah Lahore, Pakistan.
Faiz Ahmad Fiaz, a revolutionary poet has inspired millions in the Indian sub continent by his revolutionary poems and writings. He is the symbol of resistance and his poetry is been revisited t\during the recent advocate movement in Pakistan. Weekly Mazdoor Jeddojuhd (www.jeddojuhd.com) has printed a 148 pages special edition on Faiz last month.
The Faiz Amn Mela Committee met today in Lahore to finalize the details of the Amn Mela. It was reported that the posters have been fly posted in central Lahore already. The invitation card is been distributed. Several known poets and singers have agreed to participate on volunteer basis. It reported that 40 organizations have agreed to be part of the network supporting the event.
Khalid Mehmood, Razi hyder, Syeda deep, Rashid Misbah and rana Abdul Rehman, the Faiz committee leaders demanded at a press conference to name Sialkot Airport on the name of Faiz Ahmad Faiz. It also demanded that Faiz writings should be part of the Pakistan education syllabus at all level.
They include Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf (PTI), Labour Party Pakistan, National Workers Party, Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party and Awami Jamhoori Forum. The other organizations supporting the event are Supreme Court Bar Association, Lahore district Bar Association, Pakistan Medical Association, South Asia Partnership, Labour Education Foundation, Women Workers Help Line, National trade Unions Federation, Aurat Foundation, Shirkat Ghah, Interactive resource Center, Ajoka Theater, Anjamen Taraqi Pasand Musanfeen, Students Action Committee, Joint Action Committee For Peoples Rights, Radio FM 103, and Kawash television network (KTN).
Please publise the message as wide as possible.
For more information, please contact: lef lef.org.pk
Farooq Tariq
Labour Party Pakistan
40-Abbot Road Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: 92 42 6315162 Fax: 92 42 6271149 Mobile: 92 300 8411945
labour_party yahoo.com www.laborpakistan.org www.jeddojuhd.com