Ukraine’s resistance to Russia’s annexationist invasion was a key factor aiding the Syrian people in overthrowing the Assad dictatorship. The Putin regime has also been a pillar of support for Assad’s military machine. Even as the Syrian regime was collapsing, Russia carried out terror bombing of Aleppo and other cities reminiscent of its bombing of Ukraine’s civilian population.
Like the Ukrainian resistance, the struggles of the Palestinian and Georgian peoples have in their own ways contributed to Syria’s enormous victory.
We are disgusted but unsurprised by U.S. president Biden and the State Department’s proclamation of support while United States imperialism continues to supply military support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza, bombing of Lebanon and land grabs in the West Bank.
The United States, the largest and most destructive imperial power in the Middle East, has no intention of leaving its own military bases in Eastern Syria and indeed, continues bombing raids in that country.
Israel has now extended its savage offensive by a land grab extending its occupation beyond the Golan heights while using its air force to bomb Syrian military depots to deprive the new government of weapons (under the guise of destroying chemical weapons that it never destroyed while Assad ruled Syria).
Ukraine and Syria, vastly different in many respects, have both been devastated by war and face massive tasks of economic and social reconstruction. In solidarity with Ukraine’s people and progressive political forces, USN has demanded cancellation of Ukraine’s foreign debts. Similarly, today we demand international aid to Syria for its humanitarian and economic needs – with no strings attached, and free of repayment obligations. All sanctions imposed on Syria by western governments must be immediately lifted and progressive movements in every country must raise that demand.
Today, above all, Syria’s freedom from Assad’s rule is a giant leap toward a democratic future, free of religious-sectarian conflict and with respect for the rights of all its people.
To the extent that Assad’s downfall weakens Russia’s imperial power, it aids Ukraine’s struggle for survival and is all the more welcome. Perhaps it may also revitalize the struggles of the “Arab Spring” which have undergone such brutal repression over the past decade. But first and foremost this is the Syrian people’s victory, and they deserve congratulation and, above all, solidarity on the part of all international progressive and left movements.
Ukraine Solidarity Network (US)
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