Namely, in the State Duma and the right-wing press of a hundred years ago. As the Interpreter writes (, "War was demanded by this public every year. All factions - liberals (Kadets), moderate right (Octobrists), extreme right Black Hundreds - were united in their revanchism. Except for one, the faction of the left (the Social Democrats), but it was too small to make its voice heard.
Putin’s recent speech condemning Western neo-colonialism echoes almost exactly the theses of his superiors of a century ago. “In 1899-1900, Russia, taking advantage of England’s distraction at war with the Boers in South Africa, intended to give England a fight on its Indian territory.”No strongest navy in the world can prevent us from reckoning with England just there [in India], in a place most vulnerable to her,“Nicholas II wrote.”And to prepare society for war, the propaganda of the time began to describe England, and indeed almost all of Europe, as the spawn of hell and Satanism. European society was declared rotten, faithless and corrupt. All that was missing was gays and parents-1-2 to make it resemble the way the West is described by us today.
The British capitalists were described as agents of British colonial policy, and their essence was described as exploitative. The British were accused of deliberately supporting a profitable famine in India, of devastating Ireland and of driving China to disaster.
“European civilisation has evolved to a stock exchange and the people are neither better nor happier.”The fruits of enlightenment“failed to ennoble the”gold-hungry and domineering“English. Progress and civilization had led them (and Europeans in general) to”lose God“. Meanwhile, man owes his development”not to a factory, not to a stock exchange, not to science, not to art, but to the divine fire of revelation", Novoe Vremya wrote.
But in the end Russia changed its mind about going to war with England, and there it was time to beg for loans and technology from the “despicable Satanists English”, and the ideological anti-English campaign was curtailed. “As soon as Russia accumulated some fat in peacetime, they preferred to let this fat go to external expansion rather than internal development (so that they could eventually burn off the whole state along with the fat),” the Interpreter concludes.
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