FewApparently, the Kremlin decided, through a discussion at the UN, to bring closer to reality its fantasy that in Ukraine, with the support of the United States, biological weapons were prepared - “bioagents capable of selectively infecting various ethnic groups of the population.”
For those who have not yet mastered the school biology curriculum, viruses do not distinguish between “us” and “them” by ethnicity. The possibility of creating such a selective biological weapon is contrary to all laws of nature.
The country’s leadership’s poor familiarity with the school curriculum does not really surprise us anymore. It is more interesting to pay attention to the idea behind this speculation - when it comes to “ethnic groups of the population” that will allegedly be endangered - who are they talking about? Does this mean that the Ukrainians were not invented by Lenin after all? So they represent a different ethnic group? And this will allow them to turn their biological weapons exclusively against [“ethnic”] Russians? If so, this would knock the ground out from under the feet of the Kremlin propaganda justification for the entire war!
Something else is even more puzzling: what ethnic group does the Ministry of Defense mean when talking about Russia’s national security? It is unlikely that it includes representatives of all 190 nationalities and ethnicities living in the Russian Federation.
To sum up, if there is any ethnically specific virus, it is the virus of Great Russian chauvinism. And it was clearly not developed in Ukraine.
Russian Socialist Movement
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