I) Economic Partnership Agreements between the EU and the ACP countries
It’s only with the consolidation of regional blocs of the Southern countries, under the leadership of the Southern countries, that the conditions will be met to establish agreements based on complementarity, cooperation, solidarity and respect of sovereignty of the populations.
Economic Partnership Agreements EU-ACP, as proposed by the European Commission, are unacceptable.
Concerning the calendar and the method of negotiation, all economic agreements-including EPA’s- must take into account that the relations are asymmetrical , - disfavoring in particular the African countries-, and must involve the social movements, the civil society and the elected national parliamentarians.
II) Debt
Debt continues to weigh heavily on the development of many countries in the South, to the detriment of public investment and the needs of the concerned societies.
We call for the total cancellation of all debts for Southern countries, and the use of the resources to reach the Millennium Development Goals. We call for the creation of a tax on capital movements (like a Tobin tax), on CO2 emissions, and on air and maritime transport in order to finance a sustainable development based on solidarity.
Without a redistribution of wealth at world level, globalization will not be just.
III) Migrations
The migration is first and foremost the consequence of unequal distribution of wealth in the world, of climate change, wars, dictatorships and the politics which worsen these circumstances
This cannot be responded to by the stigmatization and criminalization of migrants, through bypassing people’s rights, or by building walls, fortresses and prisons. We reaffirm the right of free movement of people.
We defend a strict and full respect of human rights, considering that their application is not limited by borders. Today, those human rights are violated by the decision to build separating walls that discriminate and hit fundamental rights.
The problem of migration can only be resolved by an international economic order which allows all continents and all countries to develop, through democracy, universal respect for human rights and empowerment of women, who are the main victims.
IV) Rejection of Wars
The World Parliamentary Forum rejects the war as a means to resolve conflicts. We condemn all unilateral military actions, as the recent bombing of Somalia by the army of the United States of America.
The invasion of Iraq was an arbitrary, unjustified and illegal action that has led to an humanitarian tragedy and a serious violation of people’s rights. We reiterate our condemnation of this invasion and we ask for a planned and immediate withdrawal of all occupation troops, the opening of negotiations with all political forces of Iraq for the rebuilding of the country..
On the same line, we reject the presence of foreign troops in Africa without agreement of the United Nations or the African Union, and we call for political solutions to be found, for all wars hitting Africa, Middle East, Afghanistan, and the rest of the world..
We condemn the military escalation and arms trade. The increase of military interventions diminishes the resources available for development and weakens the fight against poverty.
V) Common goods and water
We call for the preservation and the protection of common goods guaranteeing its existence for the present time and for the future generation, and guaranteeing its public character as well as access to it for all.
Access to water - that is life itself -, must be officially declared a fundamental right of the humanity by the UN. 50 liters of water per day as a minimum must be guaranteed to all inhabitants of the planet. The sovereignty of peoples and local communities must be guaranteed.
With this perspective we adhere to the World Water Assembly of citizens and elected people, to take place on 18-20 March 2007 in Brussels.
VI A new Global Social Contract and the creation of a Global Observatory for human development, participatory democracy and social inclusion
We propose to establish a new Global Contract at political, social ,cultural, environmental, etical level. This Contract should pave the way for an answer to health education, housing, employment, participation, information and communication, among others, guarantee the full exercise of citizenship and create a world order of justice and peace.
We support the creation of a Global Observatory of Human Development, Participative Democracy and social inclusion, on close relation to the World Parliamentary Network and the social movements, aiming at the organization of banks of projects, the follow-up of social policies to promote relations of solidarity, meetings and exchanges of legislatives experiences between different social actors, at world level, encouraging the debate on the necessity of a new Contract at political, economical, cultural, environmental and ethical levels.
VII. Resolution on the Parliamentary Network
At our meeting in Nairobi in the framework of the Word Social Forum, we, Parliamentarians, consider essential to create a Network of Parliamentarians committed to the construction of alternatives to neoliberalism, working closely with the World Social Forum, in order to put forwards their platforms and demands within the different national and regional Parliaments and assemblies.
Other recommendations and motions:
1) Parliamentary delegation to Colombia
We recommend the visit of a parliamentary delegation of the World Parliamentary Network to Colombia in order to verify the Human Rights situation in this country, which faces, according to the United Nations, a humanitarian crisis.
The United Nations have systematically presented 36 recommendations to the Colombian government, but no improvement has been reached.
2) The Forum welcomes the progress of the left in Latin-America
3) The Forum proposes to prepare a motion of support to the People of Saharaoui
4) the Forum proposes to prepare a motion for the defense of the Amazonia.