Professor Chatterji’s “Submission on Human Rights in South Asia: A Focus on Kashmir”
Below is Professor Angana P. Chatterji’s 31-page written submission to the US Congress after the hearing. It is embedded directly from the source:
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Chatterji’s publications include: sole authored books: Violent Gods: Hindu Nationalism in India’s Present; Narratives from Orissa (Three Essays Collective, 2009); Land and Justice: The Struggle for Cultural Survival (forthcoming); co-contributed monograph for which she is lead editor: Conflicted Democracies and Gendered Violence: The Right to Heal; Internal Conflict and Social Upheaval in India (ACRes-CSSL, University of California, Berkeley, 2015; Zubaan, U. Chicago distribution, 2016); co-edited volume: Contesting Nation: Gendered Violence in South Asia; Notes on the Postcolonial Present (Zubaan, 2012, U. Chicago distribution, 2013); co-contributed anthology: Kashmir (Verso, 2011); reports for which she is lead author: BURIED EVIDENCE: Unknown, Unmarked, and Mass Graves in Kashmir (2009), Communalism in Orissa (2006), and Without Land or Livelihood (2004); sole authored monograph: Community Forest Management in Arabari: Understanding Socioeconomic and Subsistence Issues (Ford Foundation, 1996); and co-edited journal double issue: Cultural Dynamics: Theory Cross-Culturesi (2004), “Gendered Violence in South Asia: Nation and Community in the Postcolonial Present”; and over thirty-five academic articles, book chapters, and research briefs and reports. Her latest and co-edited book is: Majoritarian State: How Hindu Nationalism is Changing India (US: Oxford University Press, 2019, UK: Hurst, 2019, South Asia: Harper Collins, 2019)
Dr. Angana P. Chatterji
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