Presided over by Comrade Badrul Alam President, Bangladesh Krishok Federation, the human chain was addressed by Labor leader Abul Hossain, President, Workers Party of Bangladesh, Dhaka City Unit, Comrade AAM Foyez Hosain, Genral Secretary, Bangladesh Shramik Federation, Mukhless Udddin Shahin, CPBML Polit Bureau Member, Subal Sarker, General Secretary, Bangladesh Bhumihin Samity, Zayed Iqbal Khan, General Secretary, Bangladesh Krishok Federation, Baharjan Akter, President, Bangladesh Labour Resource Center, Nasrin Akter, Central Member, Bangladesh Kishani Sabha, Omoli kisku, General Secretary, Bangladesh Adivasi Samity, Samsul Alam, Central Member, Bangladesh Bhumihin Samity and woman leader Reahana Begum, among others.
In the human chain explaining the significance of the land the speakers called upon the government to take immediate and effective measures in order to protect all Khas agricultural lands in the country. Calling the land as source of life and livelihood they said there are legitimate right of landless people to Khasland but it is a matter of fact that the landgrabbers under the influence of the party banner of ruling party encroached the Khasland and are doing contact farming in different places of the country. As a matter of fact, the landless men and women are extremely being victimized. Having established the possession of genuine landless the human right of peasants should be established including the food sovereignty of the people.
In the Global Day of the Landless the leaders also added that in order to make adequate and available safe food kind of environment friendly agriculture should be introduced. They also said any form of agricultural which is detrimental to environment and ecology, should be rejected with a view to advancing the development path. The leaders called the government to implement the declaration of United Nation as regards the right of small peasants and people working in the rural areas and said the small scale peasants and landless are much capable to produce and procure the food for all people in the country through productivity capacity. For this purpose the landless people should be empowered with the land through a comprehensive and genuine land reform as well as an agrarian reform. With this the rural poverty and hunger is possible to remove. The speakers strongly demanded to the government to get rid of the rural peasants and landless people from the trap of micro-credit.
News provider
Zayed Iqbal Khan
General Secretary
Bangladesh Krishok Federation
Bangladesh Krishok Federation, Bangladesh Kishani Sabha, Bangladesh Adivasi Samity, Bangladesh Bhumihin Samity, Labour Resource Center
Contact: 27/11/1-A Topkhana Road, Segunbagicha, Dhaka-1000
Badrul Alam, President, Bangladesh Krishok Federation speaking in the human chain.
Abul Hossain, President, Workers’ Party of Bangladesh, Dhaka City Unit speaking in the human chain.
Press Release
Dated 29 March 2019
Bangladesh Krishok Federation