In spite of the urgent call from his family, friends and a broad international support, Baba Jan has not been transferred to an Islamabad well-equipped hospital for a thorough examination of his health situation, while he was feeling strong chest pain.
He is presently at Gahcooch Jail (Gilgit-Baltistan territory), where he has been serving his life sentence earlier. The facilities here are better than in the town of Gilgit.
Baba Jan still feels pain, but is better after taking regularly medicine. He has not fully recovered, but is not in the same very bad shape that he was earlier.
On the issue of the review petition of his case.
Baba Jan has been unfairly sentenced to the equivalent of two life imprisonment by an Anti-Terrorism Court, and kept in jail on trumped up charges.
He presented a legal review petition, which cannot be heard until three judges are appointed to the Supreme Court of Gilgit-Baltistan. At present, only one judge is there, the other two are now retired and there is no replacement yet.
Baba Jan, along with other political prisoners, could be released sooner if they agreed to admit their guilt. They refuse to give in to this blackmail.
Baba Jan thanks again all those who campaign for his release and for his right to proper medical treatment.
The international solidarity campaign continues.
Pierre Rousset