The celebration was presided over by Eng. Osman Ghani, President of ENSUB. Bangladesh Krishok Federation President and CPBML General Secretary comrade Badrul Alam was the chief guest at the function.
In his speech comrade Badrul Alam called upon labors and peasants to be united and establish counter hegemony of them as opposed to bourgeoisie hegemony in politics, ideology, society, economy, culture and psychology. He also put emphasis gender balance in all spheres including organization. He mentioned that construction labors are advanced and revolutionary forces. However, unfortunately they do not have any legal protection in order to ensure their rights. They need separate labor law. He added labors should be politicized with revolutionary spirit on their own interest. Agreeing with others speakers, he said as professional organization labor should have shared representation in the national parliament but the parliament has made the din of big business holders. Comrade Alam said without democracy development cannot reflect the light on the poor people rather it is reproducing poverty, undernourishment, marginalization, pauperization, etc. in all sectors in society. Comrade AKM Shaidul Alam Faruq ENSUB General Secretary made welcome speech to the participants while organizational report was put forward by Eng. Taibur Rahman, organizing Secretary, ENSUB Central Executive Committee.

A female leader of ENSUB speaking on right of women in construction sector.
In discussion meeting the speakers demanded 6 point demands calling the building construction labors to be united. The demands included
1. Free trade union right should be allowed
2. Separate labor act should be enacted for the construction labors
3. Minimum national wage should be declared for the construction labors.
4. Wage board accommodating owner, government and labor representative should be formed
5. Allowance should be provided to the construction labors deformed on duty incidence
6. 8 hours work time should be implemented for construction labors according to the ILO convention.
Among others, the speakers were Shamsuddin Asalat, Bangladesh City and Municipality Employees’ Federation, AAM Foyez Hossain, General Secretary, Bangladesh Shromik Federation, Azizur Rahman Nijami, General Secretary. Bangladesh Construction Labor Action Council, Amin Uddin BSC, President, Bangladesh Bidi (Cigarette) Shramik Federation.

CPBML General Secretary Comrade Badrul Alam speaking as chief guest in the function.

One minute silence was observed showing respect to more than 100 dead in a terrible fire incident in Chawbazar in Dhaka on 21 February 2019 at dawn.
Badrul Alam
[Video of the celebration not reproduced here.]