In many European countries, local authorities are declaring their worries or refusals regarding the currently negotiated free trade agreements between the European Union and its economic partners:
• The Transatlantic Trade and Investement Partnership with the USA, also called TTIP;
• The Canada-Europe Trade Agreement with Canada, also called CETA;
• And the Trade in Services Agreement which is negotiated between 23 countries, also called TiSA.
These treaties are paving the way for far-reaching liberalisation. They will jeopardise democratic principles by substantially reducing political space and restricting the scope for public choices via the implementation of the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) or investment court system (ICS, also called “Zombie ISDS”) and by Regulatory Cooperation processes.
In order to respond these unprecedented risks in terms of social, economic, environmental and democratic rights, over 1,500 local authorities in the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Germany and Bulgaria took motions declaring themselves as TTIP/ CETA/ TiSA-free zones or concerned by these treaties.
Today, dozens of millions of European citizens are already living in a TTIP-free zone. But many other are not. That’s why, turning the whole Europe into a TTIP-free zone from the bottom is a now an objective for hundreds of associations, NGOs, trade unions, farmer unions, SMEs umbrella organisations... This website aims to be a tool for citizens, activists, local representatives… across Europe who want to mobilise locally to defeat TTIP, CETA and TiSA.
Let’s make Europe a TTIP-free zone!
1,800th TTIP / CETA free zones joint the movement
The local authorities mobilisation to #StopTTIP and #StopCETA keep growing up. This week, the 1,800th TTIP / CETA free zones joint the movement.
Millions of citizens are now living in a TTIP/CETA free zones, and their number is increasing every day.
Until now, twelve European countries are part of the TTIP-free zones process. But many other are still missing. If we act together we can turn the whole Europe into TTIP/CETA free. Just as Bulgaria, Greece, Ireland and Portugal who recently joint the movement, your country is probably ready to have its first TTIP/CETA free zone.
You’re city or county is not TTIP/ CETA free yet? It’s time to campaign your local representatives to push them to stand against these toxic free-trade agreements. Join your national or local campaign.
Do you need more information on the impact of TTIP and CETA at the local level? You wish to start campaigning in your city? All the tools you may need are available on this Website. Feel free to use, share, translate...
By taking action everywhere we’ll #StopTTIP #StopCETA!
We, the Mayors and elected local representatives, participating in the first Pan-European Meeting of Local Authorities and the New Generation of Free Trade Agreements, declare that:
The European Commission, on the mandate of the Member States, has entered into negotiation with the United States of America on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement (TTIP), as well as the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement between Canada and Europe (CETA), and the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA). These treaties are being negotiated in a non-transparent manner, not fulfilling European democratic and participatory standards.
We believe that transparency cannot be sacrificed to the benefit of trade secrecy. Local and regional bodies must play an integral part in the negotiation of the mandates. Today, Europe finds itself at a crossroads. The crises being experienced by the EU require a political solution. As such, we believe that Europe needs to place core values at the centre of its policy: solidarity, respect of freedoms and justice. These new generation trade agreements are doubtfully beneficial to society as a whole. Europe must underpin its economy by strengthening social, economic, environmental and employment rights and not merely by widening free trade.
We are deeply concerned that these treaties will put at risk our capacity to legislate and use public funds (including public procurement), severely damaging our task to aid people in basic issues such as: housing, health, environment, social services, education, local economic development or food safety.
We are also alarmed about the fact that these pacts will jeopardise democratic principles by substantially reducing political scope and constraining public choices. The implementation of a range of measures will gravely impact on local democracy, such as the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) or International Court System (ICS). Regulatory Cooperation in TTIP, and changes made to the regulation of government procurement and public services.
We recognise the importance of the trade of goods and services for citizen well-being, but we stress that competitiveness and economic growth should not be the only criteria used to determine free trade agreements such as TTIP, CETA and others (such as TISA).
We believe that international trade must be based on criteria that is not limited to mere free trade. We must defend trade which is fair, sustainable, and which upholds labour rights. We consider it our duty, as elected representatives, to defend local communities and democratic institutions as spaces for debate and decision-making, and to strengthen public policies for the good of our citizens, protecting the environment and supporting SMEs and the local economy.
We demand that current negotiations on TTIP and TiSA be suspended until the concerns of local and regional governments have fully taken into account in the ratification in any of these treaties.
We celebrate the social movement which has made this European debate possible and we want to give them due recognition for their role and we invite them to continue their work. For all these considerations, we demand that current negotiations on TTIP and TISA be suspended and a new mandate renegotiated taking into account the demands of those who have not been consulted and we urge the European Parliament, European Council and national governments not to ratify CETA.
This Declaration will be adopted by all cities present and to be signed by all those who shall adhere to it in the future, will be presented to those responsible in the European Union, national governments, and pertinent institutions and organisations.
Barcelona, 21 April 2016