On Tuesday Morning, the Georgia Board of Parole and Pardons ruled that the state should proceed with the killing of Troy Davis, scheduled for Wednesday night. Their decision to uphold the sentence is a decision to send a man to his death based on the slimmest of “evidence” and over the protest of thousands.
Davis was convicted in 1991 for the killing of a Savannah police officer, but no murder weapon or other physical evidence was ever produced. Seven of the nine witnesses who testified in the case have since recanted, citing police intimidation—and one of the remaining two witnesses has himself bragged about being the real killer.
Since 2007, Troy Davis has faced lethal injection three times. Each time, outrage over the injustice has fueled determined opposition to his execution—most dramatically in the past two weeks since his execution warrant was signed on September 7. Just eight days later, over 660,000 petition signatures requesting clemency had been collected online and door-to-door. That number is surely much higher now. On Friday, thousands of people demonstrated around the world; a mass march of over 3,000 in Atlanta was one of the biggest protests against a death penalty case in the past decade.
But now the Georgia Parole Board has committed an outrage. There have been other moments when Troy’s death seemed imminent and there are still ways to fight. Supporters can contact the Parole and Pardons board to voice their outrage (404-656-5651) and e-mail (Webmaster pap.state.ga.us), call Chatham County District Attorney Larry Chisolm (912-652-7308) or sign the NAACP petition to ask that he withdraw the death warrant [1], and attend emergency demonstrations that will be popping up around the country. In Atlanta on Tuesday, a rally is planned for 6pm in Woodruff Park that will march to a 7pm protest at the State Capitol.
Another course of action proposed by activists at the Southern Center for Human Rights is calling on the doctor and other workers would carry out the execution to strike, to refuse to kill Troy Davis [see below]. Please spread this statement. You can also send a letter to:
Dr. Carlo Musso, President, and Employees
9020 Peridot Parkway
Stockbridge, GA 30281
Fax: 770-692-4754
If you are use Twitter, please post one or all of these sample messages to help get the word out on the letter to Dr. Musso:
Take action to stop #TroyDavis #execution - call on doctor to refuse to participate in killing! http://bit.ly/ogaTRR
Tell #DrMusso to do no harm! Refuse to #execute #TroyDavis!!! http://bit.ly/ogaTRR
GA prison execution staff: Refuse to participate in an immoral #execution of a man who may be innocent #TroyDavis http://bit.ly/ogaTRR
Don’t Mourn, Organize!
Solidarity (USA)
Southern Center for Human Rights Urges Execution Staff to Strike & Refuse to Kill Troy Davis
Today, the day before Troy Anthony Davis is scheduled to be put to death by lethal injection, Georgia Senate Democratic Whip Vincent Fort and Southern Center for Human Rights Executive Director Sara Totonchi have issued a joint statement calling upon the individuals charged with carrying out the execution to refuse to participate in the killing of a possibly innocent man.
Davis is scheduled to be executed on Wednesday, September 21 at 7:00pm at Georgia Diagnostics & Classifications Prison in Jackson, Georgia. The statement, included below and sent to all parties mentioned, appeals to the basic humanity of individuals who each play roles in carrying out an execution including the private medical company that contracts with the state to be involved in executions and the Corrections staff at the prison.
Statement from Senator Vincent Fort and Sara Totonchi to Those Who Will Carry Out the Execution of Troy Davis
“The execution of Troy Davis is immoral and wrong. Almost all of the witnesses against him have recanted. The courts and the parole board have failed to use their power to prevent this imminent miscarriage of justice. However, Troy Davis’ execution cannot take place unless human beings at the Georgia Diagnostic & Classifications Prison make it happen. They can refuse to kill Troy Davis.
We call on Dr. Carlo Musso, CEO of Rainbow Medical Associates, the organization contracted by the Georgia Department of Corrections to oversee executions, to decline to participate and not allow any physician or other medical personnel associated with his companies to participate in the immoral execution of a possibly innocent man, Troy Davis. We also call on all employees of Dr. Musso’s businesses, Rainbow Medical Associates and CorrectHealth, Inc., who have any involvement with implementing the Georgia Department of Corrections execution protocol, to refuse to participate in the execution of Troy Davis. Remember your humanity and that your oath is to facilitate healing, not killing!
We are calling for a general strike or sick-out by all but a skeleton staff of the Georgia Diagnostic Prison on September 21st, 2011. We say to the prison staff: If you work on that day, you will enable the prison to carry out the execution of a possibly innocent man. Please remember your humanity!
We specifically call on Georgia Diagnostic Prison Warden Carl Humphrey to refuse to carry out the execution of Troy Davis, because he may be innocent. Warden Humphrey, remember your humanity. You have the power to stop this immoral execution. Use it!
We call on the Deputy Warden of the Georgia Diagnostic Prison to refuse to prepare the lethal injection drugs for injection into Troy Davis’ veins. You have the power to disrupt this immoral execution. Remember your humanity and refuse to participate!!
We call on the prison nurses, who prepare the IV lines through which lethal chemicals will flow through Troy Davis’ veins: Refuse to participate in the execution of Troy Davis, because he may be innocent. You are human beings who have the power to stop this immoral execution. Your oath is to facilitate healing, not killing!
We call on the corrections officers who are assigned to strap Troy Davis to the lethal injection table: Refuse to carry out your tasks tomorrow! You have the power to stop this immoral execution. Call in sick!
We call on the members of the Injection Team: Strike! Do not follow your orders! Do not start the flow of the lethal injection chemicals. If you refuse to participate, you make it that much harder for this immoral execution to be carried out.
Each and every one of you are human beings with the power to refuse and resist participation in an immoral execution of a man who may be innocent. We implore you to use this power. Please remember your humanity!”
This press release originally appeared on the website of theSouthern Center for Human Rights. Media Contact: Kathryn Hamoudah 404/688-1202 khamoudah schr.org