An Arab tyrant is finally fallen by a popular revolution. After 23 years of tyranny, robbery and oppression, the dictator Ben Ali fled in a humiliated and disqualified way under the cries of the revolutionary Tunisian people: Ben Ali, get out!
Since 1987, Ben Ai accompanied by the great rotting and venal bourgeois; especially the families of his wife and his kinsman, the Trabelsis and Materis, have always believed that the devices of police and investigations [150.000 policemen without counting the army and the other forces of repression; the first rank in the Maghreb by one policeman for each 27 Tunisians] are enough for him to continue robbing Tunisian fortunes, humiliating its people and starving them. Ben Ali\’s regime was a brilliant pupil of the global financial institutions and basically of the French imperialism that cynically condoned on the dictatorship of Ben Ali for the sake of their share in the Green Tunisian Pie and which spoke a lot about the \“Tunisian Miracle\”; the Hong Kong of the North of Africa. This was before being awake on a true miracle whose heroes are the victims of Ben Ali and the World Bank policy.
It is a January 14th Tunisian Revolution that triggered from Sidi Bouzid, a month ago, after the young Mohamed El-Bouazizi fired himself as a protest against unemployment and indignity. It is the fire that turned into a popular flame which increasingly spread to all over Tunisia and rocked the pillars of the rulers. From one demonstration to another, from a barricade to another and from a martyr to another; the uprising was flourishing and growing, and resolutely made its way towards the palaces of the Carthage torturer demanding the head of the old dragon.
Its got what it wanted. The old tyrant fled in panic. It is an important and great victory for the Tunisian laypeople and all the peoples of the Great Maghreb and the Arab Amazigh region and for all the oppressed and exploited people all over the world. It is an Arab, Amazigh and African proof that the will of the people is indomitable, and that the revolution is not just illusions of radical dreamers living out of date. The revolution is the blood and flesh running in the streets of Tunisia. Let all the reactionaries shuddered everywhere because the infectious revolution is inevitable.
The Tunisian revolution has made a huge step forward, but the fate of the revolution has not been decided yet, and still has a lot of rubbish to sweep. The enemies of the revolution have not yet received the decisive defeat, and the dragon of the counter-revolution is more than the head of an old tyrant. It has a political system that is fully supported by all the reactionary forces of the world. It is a groggy and shaky system, but it has not yet lost the hope to escape from the grip of the street that throttles her. It still has in its command the mouldiest police devices in history. It is a corrupted system and the revolution will not succeed in achieving the hopes of the Tunisian laypeople if it has not been bombed and replaced by the temporary government representing the revolutionary people. A government of the workers, poor peasants and all the laypeople that oversees the election of a constituent assembly setting the rules to conduct the country at all levels.
The revolutionaries and the revolutionary people are not to wait for an interim government, but they have to seek to form worker and popular councils in factories, neighbourhoods, schools and also in the barracks. The councils are to be at the local to the national level and elected with the possibility to remove any delegate at any time. They should be a revolutionary power to run the country and a revolutionary shield in the face of the counter-revolution and its propaganda, repression and games. And the future of the revolution is based on the formation of these worker and popular councils and on their gain of the armies or at least some of them to their side. The arming of the revolutionary people regulated on councils is the guarantee to push the revolution forward and protect it from any foreign interference.
Do not trust those who remained from the gang of Ben Ali! Beware of liberal political forces that are very eager to ride on people\’s victory! All the power to the revolutionary people! This is the slogan that should unite all Tunisian revolutionaries.
For a second, third, fourth, and fifth Tunisia! Against the tyrannical regimes sponsoring division! For a Great Democratic United and Socialist Maghreb! These are the slogans that should unite the revolutionaries in the Great Maghreb.
All the victory to the Tunisian Revolution; the forefront of the revolution in the North of Africa and the Middle East.
January 15, 2011