As time goes by, the crisis of neoliberal capitalism is being transformed to a great offensive against European societies: tremendous cuts in salaries and pensions, unprecedented job cuts, total destruction of public services. This is the worst time for the workers´ income and social rights since the end of World War II. Those who during the last twenty years benefit from the neoliberal policies and created the ongoing global crisis (businessmen, financial speculators and neoliberal goverments), are now trying to transfer the bill to those who have no responsibility: workers, unemployed, pensionaries, youth, women, immigrants. It is high time to stop them, this is the time to make them pay for their crisis.
EU, IMF, financial speculators and neoliberal governments all over Europe are trying to make of Greece the laboratory of a new barbaric anti-social model that they want to implement all over Europe. Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary have already suffered from rigorous austerity plans. Now it is the time of the European South. And it will not stop there...
We have expressed our solidarity with the resistance of the Greek people and people from all the countries to the austerities plans. But this is not enough. Now, more than ever, it is urgent to build international, but more specifically European resistances and alternatives to the policies leaded by the G-20, the IMF and the UE with the collaboration of local governments There cannot be any fragmented national way-outs of this international crisis. Furthermore, we should block racist-nationalist forces which attempt to take advantage of the situation.
Now, more than ever, we need to make the European Social Forum a key event to take initiatives, coordinate actions and develop alternatives. In Istanbul from July 1 to July 4 we are going to make of the 6th European Social Forum an immense laboratory for the international coordination of our resistances and for the promotion of a new social model based on solidarity. It is high time to mobilize on the European level for the defense of jobs, salaries and pensions, for a decisive halt to financial speculation, for a European moratorium of public debt payments, for public control of the banking system. We make an appeal for massive international participation to the 6th ESF. ANOTHER EUROPE IS NECESSARY!
We also make appeal for massive participation to the following mobilizations in different European countries:
June 5, demonstration in Athens
June 15-June 20, general strike (the exact date to be defined)
June 5, national demonstration in Rome
June 7 to June 15, strikes in education, transports and public sector
June 12, demonstrations in Berlin and Stuttgart
June 8, strike in public sector
Basque Country
June 12, national demonstration in Bilbao
May 29, national demonstration in Lisbon
June 22, demonstration in London
The European Preparatory Assembly of the 6th ESF