The French “Collectif National pour une Paix Juste et Durable entre Palestiniens et Israéliens” [National Collective for a Just and Lasting Peace between Palestinians and Israelis] call on citizens to send the letter rerproduced below to the representants of the OECD members and to the Foreign Minister.
M./Mme Ambassador,
This very month, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is expected to decide on Israeli membership. Now, Israel’s lack of respect of human rights and international law and its tendency to obstruct any realistic peace process is met with widespread international criticism. Despite the criticism, this state has repeatedly shown that it has no intention to modify its policy. On the contrary, Israel continues its unlawful policies without having to face any real, concrete consequences. In contrast to the statements and condemnations by words of mouth, Israel is given « special treatment » in international politics and co-operations, special treatment lacking any justification. A granted membership to the OECD would be another example of this special treatment, and a way to encourage Israël to keep on its denial of the rule of law and of peace.
We believe that there are many reasons to deny Israel membership in the OECD, including:
– The production in the occupied territories is in conflict with international law, and the European Court of Justice clarified as recently as February that products from the West Bank cannot be classified as Israeli. In the figures forming the basis for the decision on membership, no distinction has been made with regards to place of production. Instead of being punished for crimes under international law, the figures benefit Israel. To welcome Israël in such conditions, would be a de facto recognition of the « Eretz Israël » concept. This is unthinkable for anyone who wants to reach peace by the rule of law.
– According to the OECD convention the member countries must share a commitment to the rule of law and the respect of human rights. Several of the current member countries have claimed repeatedly that this commitment is not shared by the Israeli authorities.
– In the text of the convention one can read that co-operation makes a vital contribution to peaceful and harmonious relations among the peoples of the world. The member countries have on several occasions expressed criticism that Israel’s actions are counterproductive to the development of such relations. As recently as March, the US, EU, Russia and the UN issued a joint condemnation of Israel’s policies in Jerusalem, claiming that these policies undermine the peace process. The Israeli ignore the criticism with complete impunity.
We therefore urge you to act in order to reverse the expected positive response to the Israeli membership application, which would be received as an encouragement to Isarêl to keep on acting against peace.
Each country has a right to veto available. We urge you to make use of it, in accordance with other country representatives if possible.
We look forward to receiving your reply, which we expect to be a positive one, and of which we will keep our activist members informed.
Yours faithfully.