Akbayan Condemns Maguindanao Massacre
For Immediate Release
24 November 2009
Akbayan condemns in the strongest possible terms the dastardly crimes
of massacre, murder, rape, and kidnapping in Maguindanao in the run-up
to the coming 2010 elections in the province even as it calls on the
national government to act with dispatch to head off the clan feuds or
ridos in central Mindanao.
“We are aghast that such actions, committed in broad daylight with
plenty of witnesses and under the very nose of the military, can
happen. We condole with the families of the victims and are one with
them in seeking justice,” said Rep. Walden Bello.
On Monday, some 35 supporters of Toto Mangudadatu, vice mayor of
Buluan and member of a well-known political clan in Maguindanao, along
with some observers, were waylaid, beheaded, and taken hostage while
on their way to the provincial capitol in Shariff Aguak to file
certificates of candidacy for the province’s top post. Media reports
point to a son of the incumbent governor, Andal Ampatuan, as the
leader of the group that ambushed the convoy of the Mangudadatus,
composed mostly of women, including the wife of the vice mayor. Most
of the women were not only murdered but also raped. Moreover, 13 of
the victims were members of the press.
“Dapat linawin ng military kung bakit nangyari ang mga nangyari,”
added Bello. “Such violence was foreseeable in a hotspot like
Maguindanao. All indications were that it was inevitable if nothing
was done to prevent it.”
Ridos or violent clan conflicts are a common occurrence in Muslim
Mindanao. The ridos have become violent as loose firearms proliferate
and clans occupying government positions are usually armed by the
military through deputized militias and citizens Armed Force
Geographical Units (CAFGUS) apart from the local police they control.
“We also take President Gloria Mascapagal-Arroyo to task on this
issue. Her office exercises oversight functions on provincial
governments. More important, Malacanang’s coddling of Governor
Ampatuan as a political ally has contributed to the culture of
impunity surrounding his rule,” said Bello.
“Akbayan calls on the national government to act decisively on this
horrific crime while refraining from acts that will either aggravate
the situation or prove ineffective. The clans must be disarmed, but
the government must realize that pouring in more troops won’t resolve
the issue. Akabayan calls for a political summit of influential
Muslim Mindanao leaders to be brokered by independent third party
mediators like the academe and media as well as some Church
personalities to discuss the matter of political violence and measures
to stop it,” Bello concluded.
Akbayan and other supporters, gathering at Amoranto Stadium on Tuesday
Night, reiterate this call at a candle-lighting ceremony to honor the
memory of those who were brutally killed, and in solidarity with the
love ones they left behind
Public Statement
November 24, 2009
Election time is a dangerous period for anyone who plans to run for any
position for 2010. This is grossly manifested by the gruesome deaths of the
Maguindanao massacre.
A number of men and women were murdered senselessly, brutally; unnecessary
loss of loved ones by people who want to hold on to power greedily.
Maguindanao had been identified consistently for a number of years during
election as a HOT SPOT area. Where are the COMELEC officials who had been
professing that they are ready for the 2010 Elections? Where are the law
enforcers who are paid by the Filipino people to protect the citizenry?
It is of national notice by the government officials that firearms
proliferate in Maguindanao. Yet, the inadequacy of the government to curtail
the existence of guns and goons in this area and other areas with the same
situation is greatly apparent. Is the government sincere in keeping its
promise for the peace in Mindanao? Is COMELEC really ready to serve its
mandate to protect the votes and lives of the Filipinos during elections?
AKBAYAN citizens action party and its allied networks condemn the brutal
killings of journalists, men and women who are innocent and caught in
between the bloody feud of greedy politicians.
We call on GMA to investigate the brutality and to give justice to all those
who perished.
Akbayan to Malacanang: Armed intervention is not the way to go, COMELEC should take control of the situation
Thursday, 26 November 2009 06:45
“Military intervention is not the solution to the current mayhem caused by the massacre in Maguindanao. The problem in Mindanao is simply beyond the realm of armed conflicts, but it is rather symptomatic of a deep-seated political instability and democratic deficit in the region.” Akbayan Rep. Walden Bello said at a press conference in Gen. Santos City. “Malacanang should not deputize troops to the area for this will simply aggravate a cycle of violence that has ravaged the communities in the ARMM.”
Akbayan Party-list Rep. Walden Bello flew to General Santos city to express his sympathy to the families of the Maguindanao Massacre victims.
“The last thing our country needs is an ‘Afghanization’ of our southern regions, especially prior to a critical upcoming election that will surely decide the future of our country.” Rep. Bello said. “We should decisively put an end to this pervasive culture of impunity.”
“All candidates involved in the massacre should be immediately disqualified from taking part in the 2010 elections,” Rep.Bello said. “Let’s not fool ourselves here, the perpetrators of such heinous crimes are already identified and well known to the authorities if not the entire nation,” Rep. Bello said.
“The least that our government can do is to take swift actions as to resolve this matter and make sure that the criminals are prohibited from running for political office.” Rep. Bello said. “We should not leave this matter to the local government alone. . It is incumbent upon the COMELEC to step in and take control of the situation.”
“Under the command and order of the COMELEC, the security forces - such as the PNP and Military - are obliged to assist the country in disarming these warlords immediately,” Rep. Bello said. “Massacres and despicable acts of violence could have been prevented, if we disarmed these warlords in the past while encouraging them to respect and even embrace peaceful democratic competition.”
“The current massacre in ARMM is not an isolated case alien to our senses and the history of the region. We have to realize that, the very integrity of the government and the feasibility of the 2010 elections is at stake.” Rep. Bello said. “This is definitely a litmus test for the COMELEC to prove that it can manage competitive, popular and fair elections in a very tense atmosphere.”
“The COMELEC should at least ensure that there will be a secure environment for the conduct of peaceful elections in the region. Without basic security, the very integrity and wisdom of elections will surely be compromised.” Rep. Bello said. “Even if violence in the ARMM region is not something new to our people, the magnitude of the crime and the outrage expressed by people stands as a testament to how vehemently we look forward to peaceful elections in 2010."
Relieve all military and police commanders in Maguindanao
Friday, 27 November 2009 06:13
Dismantle the armed infrastructure of the people responsible for the merciless human slaughter!
Relieve all military and police commanders, at all levels, in Maguindanao!
The Macapagal-Arroyo regime must be made to account for its continuing inaction!
The outrageous massacre, in Maguindanao, of fifty-seven innocent people, mostly women and members of the press, is now recorded in the history of human civilization as the most savage attack against the members of the press, the greatest travesty against press freedom, and the most vicious violence ever inflicted against hapless women.
We condemn, in the sternest possible terms, this act of barbarity that stunned the World and angered the whole nation. We summon Divine Providence to reserve the hottest part of hell for the perpetrators of this monstrous and extremely vicious wholesale slaughter of the media, and other hapless unarmed individuals, who are mostly women.
As we urge the people to revolt against this national embarrassment, we express our outrage and disappointment on the Macapagal-Arroyo regime for its suspiciously snail-paced inaction and seeming reluctance to bring behind bars the culprits responsible for the mass slaughter of the members of the media, respected lady members of the Philippine Bar, and other innocent individuals who, by sheer coincidence, only happened to be at the site where the carnage was ruthlessly carried out.
Specifically, we consider the act of Secretary Jess Dureza of negotiating for the cooperation of the powerful sections of the Ampatuan Clan, the prime suspects in this mass murder, in the investigation as an equal evil and a brazen insult to a grieving nation. This act of a Malacañang official displays the weakness and the inutility of the Macapagal-Arroyo government, leading us to believe that this particular segment of the Ampatuan Clan is, indeed, the keeper of its Pandora’s Box.
We warn President Macapagal-Arroyo that her continuing inaction and apparent display of inutility could lead to the early collapse of her presidency. An angry nation cannot condone, much more tolerate, such insensitivity and indifference. Not translated to concrete actions, her fighting words are not enough to save her government from eventual collapse.
The time has come now for the Macapagal-Arroyo government to make a choice: to give justice to the victims of the slaughter or usher itself to its early downfall.
Thus, to attain the ends of justice to the victims of the Maguindanao Massacre, we strongly urge President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to immediately effect the immediate dismantling of the armed infrastructure of those responsible for this carnage to immobilize them, and to prevent them from inflicting further damage to the peace and tranquility of the Island, and from continuously stalling its march towards economic prosperity.
Towards this end, the Macapagal-Arroyo government should lose no time in effecting the immediate relief of all military and police commanders, at all levels, in Maguindanao and its adjoining areas for there are indications that they actually serve as coddlers and protectors of a monster that they themselves have created.
The people expect no less!
Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL-SOCSARGEN)
Akbayan! Citizens’ Action Party
Mindanao Peoples’ Caucus (MPC)