Dear all,
I saw this morning pictures of children from what the sender called ’Gaza Concentration Camp’. This horror, this cruelty is done in my name, a Jewish Israeli woman living in West Jerusalem. Israel’s crime against humanity in Gaza is done in my name, a feminist peace activist. These killings are done in the name of my loved ones. This suffering is caused in the name of my community.
This crime against Palestinian children and people in Gaza is done in my name.
I feel deep shame.
I feel pain.
I mourn.
I feel rage.
I feel helplessness.
I am part of an activist community.
My community is active everyday to stop this bloodshed.
My community is active against the occupation for long years
My community is active for a just solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict
My community is in solidarity with the Palestinian people
My community acknowledges that Palestinian people aspire to live in peace
My community is aware of the violent results of the occupation and the poverty and despair it brings.
My community is active against racism
My community is active against poverty and for social justice within Israel
My community is creating peaceful grassroots economic and ecological co operations with Palestinians from the 67 occupied territories
My community is Jewish - Palestinian
My community is old and young
My community is active for human rights of the Palestinians
My community is active for their economic, social, civil and political rights
My community acknowledges that our own security and well being is connected to the well being of Palestinians and their security and prosperity
My community is active against violence and war.
My community refuses to take part in war and the occupation
My community is active for justice, prosperity, ecological awareness and peace
My community is part of a feminist peace political global network that links between war and violence against women and sees in them a base of patriarchy.
My community is active to stop bloodshed and cruelty in the service of super powers that combine militaristic, fundamentalist, capitalist and nationalist structures
My community is made of many close and far circles of activism and knowledge
My community is diverse, varied and rich in its colors
My community is of women, men and multi gendered
My community is hetero, lesbian, gay, bi, queer and transgender
My community is local
My community is global
My community is a world wide women’s feminist peace movement
I am a Woman in Black in Israel
The Israeli government is committing crimes against humanity in Gaza.
I feel shame.
I feel rage.
I feel helplessness
We did not stop the evil,
We continue to protest in the streets, to appeal to decision makers, to widespread the information, to sign petitions, to send humanitarian aid, to do direct actions, we write letters and leaflets
Our voices are not heard
Our clear and loud voices are silenced
Our voices do not reach our sisters and brothers in Palestine
Our voices do not stop the fire and destruction
We will continue to act and hope.
We will continue to cross imposed patriarchal walls, borders and ghettos
We will continue to hear the cry of Gaza
We will continue to hear the cry of the West Bank
We will also listen to the cry of women and children in Congo, North Uganda, South Sudan, Columbia and elsewhere
The suffering everywhere is connected and part of the same patriarchal political culture
We are saying out loud NOT IN OUR NAME
We refuse to be enemies
We refuse to take part in oppressive relationships
In the south of Israel where they suffer from counter violence of rockets there are also voices for peace
We will continue to oppose war and militarism
We will continue to create a culture of non violence, justice and peace
We will continue to serve humanity
May we learn and teach that all is one
May we learn and teach that one is all
May we find transformation, justice and healing
May we all live in Peace
May we all live in Joy.
Jerusalem, 8 January 2009