Fortaleza, Brazil - Here we are celebrating the election of a local representative from PSOL, João Alfredo, former congressman. Along with a very nice votation from the mayor candidate Renato Roseno, which surpassed 5% with his 67 thousand votes, PSOL which led the Socialist Left Front with PSTU attained a number of votes which allowed the election of João Alfredo.
The campaign was marked by a concrete defence of ecosocialism, linking it to the local fights for green area preservation, especially the Coco River area. In addition, a very important discussion present by Renato was the financial support for the milionary campaigns, which included Luizianne Lins (Worker’s Party, PT), Patrícia Saboya (PDT) and Moroni Torgan (DEM), a representative from the traditional right.
Luizianne Lins admitted very large donations from several private companies, including two civil construction companies directly involved in public services, such as popular houses and subway construction.
Whereas Luizianne estimates of funding were on the order of R$ 10 million (more tha U$ 4 million) for her campaign (which included services from Lula’s and Maluf’s “marketing magician” Duda Mendona), Renato worked on a real left-oriented donation policy, receiving donations from individuals only for a total of little more than R$ 40 thousand.